Good Writing Is Critical To Bitcoin Adoption

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Bitcoiners like to read. Something about the knowledge expansion offered by Bitcoin is addicting — and in the pursuit of learning, there is no substitute for reading. And for all of the wonderful Bitcoin knowledge and related knowledge we have, it must have been written! As Shawn Amick explained, he takes his writing seriously because it may be people’s first encounter with Bitcoin. In our interview, he talked about how reading is the best way for people to learn Bitcoin quickly — and how only through effective writing can we provide people with the best information possible. Check out our written interview below, and the podcast!

How were you first introduced to Bitcoin?

The pandemic showed me that I needed a way to find appreciating assets to avoid inflation.

What’s the primary “life lesson” that you have learned from your time in Bitcoin?

I would say low time preference, mainly.

What’s the primary change for the world you want to see come out of the adoption of Bitcoin?

The separation of money and state.

In your view, what’s the importance of the role writing plays in the Bitcoin community?

Real writing takes complicated material and delivers easily-digested information, allowing for greater levels of understanding.

What advice would you give to those wanting to learn about Bitcoin quickly?

The best advice I could give is, start with a book.

What are you most looking forward to in the Bitcoin space?

A world adapted to new forms of governance, with less control.

What do you think the price of bitcoin will be 10 years from now?

I couldn’t care less.