Google CEO Sundar Pichai Says Web3 and Blockchain Can Transform the Internet

Web3 and Blockchain
  • CEO Sundar Picha is going bullish about Web3 concept.
  • He attributed Web3 to the emerging vision of the internet based on blockchain.Additionally,
  • Picha stated how serious they are to add value to Web3.

Google CEO, Sundar Pichai is super bullish about the concept of Web3 and blockchain as a technology with a vision to revolutionize the internet. He acknowledged his Web3 and blockchain emotions for the first time during Alphabet’s quarterly earnings call program on Tuesday. Interestingly, Pichai claimed Web3 is the phase of the emerging vision of the internet based on blockchain.  Sundar Pichai explained,

On Web3, we are definitely looking at blockchain. Web3 is an interesting and powerful technology with broad applications.

Additionally, Pichai expressed how ready and prepared Google is to become a key contributor to the newly emerging Web3 ecosystem. Moreover, he expressed that they are more than ready to add an outstanding value to the Web3 space. Pichai claims that  Google will be seen as an industry player in blockchain technology.

Pichai  teases his stance on using blockchain for the cloud,

“One example, our Cloud team is looking at how they can support our customers’ needs in building, transacting, storing value, and deploying new products on blockchain-based platforms.

Alphabet’s fourth-quarter earnings results per share accumulated a staggering amount of $30.69 on sales of $75.3 billion, with revenue up 32%. Meanwhile, the company’s expectations for the annual earnings growth were EPS of $27.68 on sales of $72.3 billion.

Google prides itself as a key rival to Microsoft (MSFT) and Amazon (AMZN) when it comes to providing cloud computing services. This is backed by  J. Stern & Co.’s Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Christopher Rossbach who claims that “despite cloud computing being a highly competitive sector, current demand will only proliferate and Alphabet will be there to capture this growth.”