Google Introduces Blockchain Node Engine, Ethereum First to Get Support

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Google’s Blockchain Node Engine will offer a “fully managed node-hosting service” making it easier for Web3 teams to deploy their nodes securely and with minimum efforts.

On Thursday, October 27, the Google cloud division made an important announcement with the launch of its Blockchain Node Engine. Google said that this would be a “fully managed node-hosting service” useful to crypto companies and other Web3 service providers.

The reason behind launching these services is that Google believes “self-managed nodes are often difficult to deploy and require constant management”. Also with its Blockchain Node Engine service, users won’t need to worry about availability.

Google started working on this service while forming its Web3-focused team earlier this year. Back then, Google was reportedly working on the development of hosted services for blockchain developers. Back then, a Google spokesperson said:

“We’re providing technologies for companies to use and take advantage of the distributed nature of Web3 in their current businesses and enterprises”.

Supporting Ethereum

While introducing the Blockchain Node Engine on Thursday, Google said that its service will support the second-largest crypto asset by market cap aka Ethereum. In its blog post, Google notes that “Ethereum will be the first blockchain supported by Blockchain Node Engine, enabling developers to provide fully managed Ethereum nodes with secure blockchain access”.

Google’s Blockchain Node Engine service will provide “streamlined provisioning,” “secure development,” and “fully managed operations”. Google believes that this new node engine service will help in reducing the need for a dedicated DevOps team. As a result, the team can focus on its users instead of worrying about infrastructure challenges. In a concluding note, Google wrote:

“We look forward to supporting organizations with a reliable, easy-to-use blockchain node hosting service so they can focus their time on innovating and scaling their Web3 applications”.

Blockchain and Web3 Ambitions of Google

Google is looking to make quick inroads for itself into the rapidly emerging Web3 space. Earlier this month, Google announced its strategic partnership with Coinbase in this regard. As a result, Google will allow making crypto payments on its Cloud Services. On the other hand, Coinbase will migrate all of its data-related services to the Google Cloud infrastructure.

With its latest Blockchain Node Engine product, Google thinks that “Web3 companies who require dedicated nodes can relay transactions, deploy smart contracts, and read or write blockchain data with the reliability, performance, and security they expect from Google Cloud compute and network infrastructure.”

Altcoin News, Blockchain News, Cloud Computing, Cryptocurrency news, Ethereum News

Bhushan Akolkar

Bhushan is a FinTech enthusiast and holds a good flair in understanding financial markets. His interest in economics and finance draw his attention towards the new emerging Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency markets. He is continuously in a learning process and keeps himself motivated by sharing his acquired knowledge. In free time he reads thriller fictions novels and sometimes explore his culinary skills.