Governance in an Optimistic Future

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The Optimism Collective Governance: A Two-House System

The Optimism Collective operates under a unique two-house governance system designed to facilitate effective decision-making and prevent centralized control.

Design and Purpose

The governance structure consists of:

  • Token House: Comprising OP token holders and delegates, responsible for economic decisions and protocol parameters.
  • Citizens’ House: Using a one-person-one-vote system based on reputation, focusing on broader community values and long-term sustainability.

This dual-house approach aims to align incentives, prevent power concentration, and ensure balanced decision-making across different governance responsibilities.

Historically, bi- or tri-cameral governance systems have proven effective, and Optimism adapts this model to foster long-term stability and growth.

Governance Goals

The governance system of Optimism focuses on two primary goals:

  • Capture Resistance: Ensuring no single entity can control or censor the protocol.
  • Resource Allocation: Efficiently managing protocol revenue and treasury funds to support collective goals.

Design Principles

The design of Optimism’s governance adheres to several key principles:

  • Governance Minimization: Keeping on-chain governance minimal to encourage innovation and avoid unnecessary regulation.
  • Iteration: Decentralizing governance gradually to refine processes and reduce central authority.
  • Forking: Ensuring open-source tools and easy forking options to protect individual freedoms and decentralization.
  • Balance: Balancing influence between financial stakeholders and broader community members to prevent capture and ensure diverse perspectives.

Governance Responsibilities

Responsibilities of Optimism governance are categorized into two main areas:

Capture Resistance

Ensuring decentralization and resilience:

  • Protocol Upgrades: Token House approves changes, Citizens’ House has veto power.
  • Sequencer Selection: Token House-driven decisions with Citizens’ House oversight.
  • Citizenship Eligibility: Citizens’ House selects new members, Token House has veto power.

Resource Allocation

Efficient allocation of collective resources:

  • Allocation of Protocol Revenue: Token House decides surplus allocation, subject to Citizens’ House veto.
  • OP Treasury Management: Token House and Citizens’ House manage treasury funds, with specific responsibilities allocated accordingly.
  • RetroPGF Funding: Citizens’ House governs grants for public goods, defining scope and allocating funds.

This structured approach allows for flexibility and ensures decisions align with the long-term goals and values of the Optimism Collective.


Optimism Governance evolves iteratively to achieve robust, decentralized decision-making. By balancing stakeholder interests and community values, it aims to secure the protocol’s integrity and foster sustainable growth.