Green Climate World Improves Life on Earth, Gives WGC Percentage to Tree Planting

Green Climate World
  • Green Climate World aims to improve the life of our planet.
  • Green Climate World uses BEP-20 and ERC20 blockchain.

The crypto world continues to develop its network to create amazing technology that can benefit its community and our planet. Green Climate World (WGC) is one of the crypto networks that use its blockchain technology to enable a better world for its users and their family.

In addition, it also aims to record atmospheric data and the trees planted on its blockchain. This will be done by measuring the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide through a specialized atmospheric sensor that will directly send the information to the network’s blockchain.

In this way, all the data will be secured from the technology bought by the blockchain with no chance of being altered.

The Green Climate World network has a native digital asset — the WGC token. The token will use the Binance Smart Chain platform using the BEP-20 technology.

Through this, all users that are interested in investing in the WGC token can easily buy, sell, and trade the token with lesser fees. Invest smart, invest in WGC, and join the people who discovered how to invest brilliantly in this platform. Furthermore, the platform also extends its token technology using the blockchain of Ethereum.

Meanwhile, to make the goal of the network come to life in improving the life of our planet, the platform will take a small percent of the value of the WCG token and put it toward planting trees. Hence, ensuring a better tomorrow for all of us in the Green Climate World platform. 

The platform encourages people around the world to invest in a better world together. In this way, users can have a better tomorrow while ensuring a safe future.

On the other hand, the platform also features a mobile and desktop application that acts as a wallet to all its users worldwide. It will be available to use on multiple devices. The users must download the application and register their phone numbers in order to create a unique wallet account.

Green Climate World is just one of the potential crypto projects that continues to provide great use cases for its community and the world. Green Climate World provides its users the chance to have a better future by investing in their project that aims to improve the life of our planet. Invest in your future.