GUStakes Beta Launches Contracts on Polygon to Utilize the Low-Cost Full Stack Scaling Solution for Micro Wager Transactions

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GUStakes is the first decentralized application that allows for trustless peer-to-peer wagers to be placed on the NFT card game Gods Unchained. GUStakes leverages Polygon’s economical transactions to launch multiple contracts that are interlaced with one another in order to utilize the game’s API as the decision-making oracle for the dApp. 

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GUStake’s advantages to building on Polygon

Engineering an automated marketplace that removes all human interaction from the decision-making process is a challenge of its own, and building it on the blockchain is an even bigger one. GUStakes was designed to be built on the most cost-efficient blockchains as it requires the deployment of multiple contracts in order for the dApp to operate normally. Thankfully, operational costs on Polygon are minimal which is why the network plays a major role in the success of the GUStakes platform. Gods Unchained relies on Ethereum mainnet to transfer funds and by utilizing Polygon, GUStakes is able to bridge the gap with low transaction fees and premium play-to-earn games. Furthermore, the massive ecosystem fostered by Polygon will be tremendously useful as $MATIC can be acquired fairly easily from over 100 exchanges (including all the popular CEXs) which can be directly staked on the platform as the waging medium.

Features: GUStakes enhancing play-to-earn games

GUStakes beta is currently featuring two different play modes for users to participate in: “Classic Stake” and “Arena Match”. These two unique modes allow for players to create a stake and challenge each other in a 1v1 format. Check out the video tutorial on how create stakes: 

In future builds, GUStakes plans to launch two more game modes. One allows for organizers to create tournaments of up to 128 players and the second allows streamers on Twitch to place prop stakes live for their audience to participate in. Their anticipate that these two new game modes will create an exciting new landscape for the community. 

Integrating web 3.0 with web2.0 is something that is rarely discussed in the cryptoverse so this feature should be one of the first-ever to synergize the two technologies together to enhance the users and the audience’s experience. These modes are scheduled to be launched by the end of this year in order to conclude the full beta experience of GUStakes. 

About Polygon

Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 3000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.

If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! Leverage Polygon’s fast and secure txns for your dApp, get started here.

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About GUStakes

The team behind GUStakes is known as GUSlabs which is a group that formed from the decentralized organization known as 1Hive. GUSlabs has set out to revolutionize the way players interact with games by creating a platform that enhances gamers experience while building a community of play-to-earn gaming enthusiasts.

GUStakes is set out to be a flagship product that will eventually be used as the foundation for other game integrations. You can currently experience GUStakes live on stream with the well-known TeamStreamTeam every Tuesday from  4pm – 8pm EST. 

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