Hackers steal $36M in BTC, ETH from IRA Financial Trust as blame game with Gemini starts

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  • IRA Financial Trust suffered a data breach on February 8 and later that day, $21 million in Bitcoin and $15 million in Ether was drained from users’ accounts.
  • IRA has shifted the blame to Gemini, its custodian, for not extending adequate safeguards, but Gemini says that IRA was responsible for its own account management.

Hackers have yet again wreaked havoc in the crypto industry, this time attacking a non-crypto company and making away with $36 million in Bitcoin and Ether. The hackers breached IRA Financial Trust, a retirement savings account provider and stole $21 million in BTC and $15 million in ETH from the users, with IRA trading blame with Gemini, the Winklevoss twins’ owned exchange which it was working with.

It all started on February 8 when the company announced that it had discovered “suspicious activity that has affected a limited subset of our customers with accounts on the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange. Upon discovery, we immediately launched an investigation and contacted state and federal law enforcement.”

Four days later, on Friday, February 12, IRA Financial revealed on Twitter that the data breach had affected “a limited subset of our customers with accounts on the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange.”

The company further claimed to have communicated with all the affected individuals as well as the non-impacted customers.

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The IRA Financial cover-up and Gemini blame game

As Bloomberg now reports, IRA Financial was making light of a much bigger issue. A source with knowledge of the matter told Bloomberg that on the same day that the breach was announced, February 8, hackers drained $36 million from users’ accounts.

IRA Financial is a company that offers individual retirement accounts (or IRAs), which are tax-advantaged savings instruments for U.S workers. Normally, IRAs allow their clients to invest in bonds, mutual funds and stocks, but not crypto.

However, IRA Financial, being a self-directed IRA, is able to offer crypto investments. The company allows its users to invest in any crypto that is offered on Gemini exchange from its app. It has touted itself as being the first to allow retirement investors to hold crypto in an IRA directly on an exchange.”

This convenience has proved costly for IRA Financial customers. According to Chainalysis, which has been tracking the funds since they were stolen, they are being laundered through Tornado Cash, a popular crypto mixer that is quickly getting the attention of regulators.

Read More: Are Bitcoin mixers illegal? A storm is brewing over Tornado Cash and co. as billions are laundered

On Reddit, IRA Financial clients revealed that their funds had vanished, be it in crypto or fiat.

“I only had cash in my Gemini account, no coin, and it was all taken in multiple transfers to Choe at $10k per transfer,” one user wrote. “So in only 15 seconds they moved all my cash.”

Another stated:

All of my BTC and Ether have also been transferred out. I can confirm that they only transferred out whole units and left a small fraction of BTC and my cash. Transfers were made out to the Choe Roth in multiple 1 whole unit coin transactions.

Choe Roth is in reference to a Roth IRA account under the name Benjamin Choe which received all the stolen funds before transferring them to mixers for laundering.

Gemini, the custodian, and IRA Financial have already started trading blame for the hack. IRA’s Maria Stagliano said that Gemini failed to offer security controls to safeguard its customers’ funds.

Geminin immediately pushed back, saying that it offered IRA the same safeguards it offers all its institutional clients.

In a statement, the American exchange said:

We are aware that IRA Financial experienced a security incident last week. While IRA Financial’s accounts are serviced on the Gemini platform, Gemini does not manage the security of IRA Financial’s systems.