High Performance Blockchain (HPB) Goes Cross-Chain With SWFT

High Performance Blockchain HPB Goes Cross Chain With SWFT 1




Customers will be able to conduct economical and secure cross-chain transactions thanks to a partnership between Layer 1 EVM blockchain High Performance Blockchain (HPB) and all-in-one cross-chain swap protocol SWFT.

High-Performance Blockchain is a main-net blockchain comparable to Ethereum, but with substantially faster transactional rates (5000tps) and far lower average gas fees ($0.001) than Ethereum.

The Blockchain Offload Engine (BOE) accelerator card deployed in every HPB master node makes HPB the only EVM blockchain capable of generating TRUE random numbers.

Traditional technologies like Remix, Truffle, and Hardhat can be used to easily transfer Ethereum Dapps to the HPB chain.

SWFT’s bridge technology enables swaps between over 300 cryptocurrencies without requiring KYC and is a popular choice for DeFi, GameFi, stable coins, and other cryptocurrencies.




For the High Performance Blockchain native coin $HPB, SWFT will enable cross-chain exchange, payment, and custom airdrop link features, as well as support for HPB chain ERC20 token projects.

High Performance Blockchain CEO Xiaoming Wang is very excited about partnering with SWFT, saying, “We look forward to a long and close relationship with the SWFT team and their wider community. The solution offers our own HPB investors the opportunity to trade the HPB native coin seamlessly with other cryptocurrencies directly from their personal wallets.” Stay up-to-date with more on High Performance Blockchain (HPB) and SWFT’s partnership here.

High Performance Blockchain

CEO Xiaoming Wang, a pioneer of Unipay Smart and Beltal China International, created High Performance Blockchain (HPB) in 2017. The company was formed in Shanghai, but it now has offices in Beijing and Singapore as well. HPB combines a high-performance EVM blockchain software with a custom-developed Blockchain Offload Engine (BOE) PCI-E card solution.