Hoskintoons NFT creator leads the charge for environmental clean-up

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For those of you involved within the Cardano ecosystem, it is plausible to assume that you have an underlying love for the man behind the vision itself, Charles Hoskinson. His educated and social approach to decentralization, whilst providing banking facilities for those within underrepresented countries cannot go unnoticed. 

However, no love runs deeper than that of the notorious creator of the Hoskintoons CNF, Shlomo Cohen. 

Shlomo Cohen was quoted as saying:

‘My love for Cardano runs deep. Alongside this the vision that its inventor and founder Charles Hoskinson has led me to create 10,000 HoskinToons CNFTs. This HoskinToons collection is for everyone who shares the same passion for Cardano and its creator. With traits expertly formulated and illustrated, HoskinToons has ensured that the collection is created to the highest standard in order to visually please all of its audience. All HoskinToons CNFTs are completely unique, no matter how hard you try you will not find any two the same. Word of advice. Everyone should have a HoskinToons CNFT in their wallet.’ 

In addition to this Shlomo has been a part of an environmental campaign to prevent further damage to our planet, especially the oceans we depend on. He has labeled his journey to prevent pollution of our oceans as ‘APOCOLYPSEA’. His vision is to enlighten individuals across the globe to be more aware of the damage that they are causing to our planet, with the hope of slowly diminishing the plastic pollution that is harbored on the world’s seas. 

Plastic waste is becoming detrimental to our global environment. The damage that it has caused is evident for all to see. Over 300 million tons of plastic are wasted and end up being distributed into our environment causing irreversible damage. Recent studies show that by the year 2025 our oceans will have a ton of plastic equivalent to the amount of fish inhabiting our seas.

If this problem isn’t addressed within the near future, by the year 2050 the quantity of plastic in our beloved oceans will exceed the amount of fish that it currently inhabits. In order to create a positive, plastic free environment we need to start with small steps in order to realize big changes. 

Shlomo has recognised that his vision cannot manifest on its own, therefore, he has joined forces with Flickto Media, another project being built on the booming Cardano network. Flickto will be assisting Shlomo with disseminating his admirable mission to the world, in order to educate and inspire people to change their behaviors. 

Shlomo was born upon the shores of a crystal clear sea, which he used to gaze into as a young boy. In his own words Shlomo said; ‘the oceans seemed majestic and infinite beyond belief.’ 

However after forty years of diving across the seven majestic seas he began to realize that they’re beauty began to diminish. This is what brought along the idea of cleaning up and reclaiming the beauty that once was. His hopes and ambitions are not to be dismissed. Shlomo’s campaign to rid our seas of detrimental, man made plastics is a noble one, and maybe, just maybe the ‘APOCALYPSEA’ campaign is what is needed in order to shed light on such a dire situation. 

For those of you whose values align with Shlomo’s or want to understand his projects in depth you can head over to his website. 


Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.