How Precog Finance Creates Profits for its Community Members

    • Precog Finance is a futures ecosystem and automated basis trade aggregator.
    • It arbitrages price movements between current crypto pairs and their futures.
    • Precog Finance will launch a smart-contract set-up — SentientV.2.

The crypto industry is a multi-trillion dollar market. Yet, it is far away from reaching any saturation point, which implies that there are still ample opportunities. In 2018, the blockchain market was valued at $1.57 billion. Today, it is worth over $7 billion, and it is expected to grow to $39 billion by 2025.

Unsurprisingly, both new and old investors want to leverage this growth to prosper in tandem with the industry. New investors are joining the market every day, with the latest available numbers suggesting that there are more than 75 million blockchain wallet users globally. According to this study, the population of blockchain wallet holders is growing 13 percent year on year.

Additionally, the long-term growth prospects of the industry look very promising since younger generations are highly inclined toward crypto. Around 29 percent of all American millennial parents own cryptocurrencies, and nearly 60 million Americans have digital assets in some form. Through crypto, millennials like Sam Bankman-Fried, who had a net worth of more than $9 billion in 2021, managed to amass immense wealth in a short amount of time.

There isn’t a single advertisement that’s as effective as people realizing what they stand to gain. In the case of crypto, it’s not enough for people to participate, they have to profit. Consequently, crypto projects have to ensure that their communities profit, which is exactly what Precog Finance is doing.

Precog Finance is a futures ecosystem and automated basis trade aggregator that is building a sustainable and profitable ecosystem for its community members. The backbone of the platform is an AI-powered trading engine that utilizes an optimized and more efficient variant of the typical cash and carries an investment strategy. It offers users a way to leverage automation and arbitrage the price movements between current crypto pairs and their futures.

Furthermore, to optimize its service offerings, Precog Finance is constantly expanding its network of centralized and decentralized exchange collaborations. Its profit optimization strategy stems from a unique blend of vision, innovation, and successful leveraging of the latest technology paradigms.

The inner workings of the trading engine

The AI algorithm of the engine first calculates the spot and carrying cost of a cryptocurrency. Next, it compares that cost against a Future Value Premium (FVP). If the FVP appears to be greater than the spot carrying cost, the engine executes and acquires the forward sale. In other words, it helps users make better-than-usual gains by locking in the value difference between the spot and future price when it is at its optimum.

Due to the automated nature of the AI-assisted algorithm, it can efficiently and effectively carry out the future and arbitrage trades. Moreover, the protocol injects the gains back into the community by automatically purchasing Precog Finance’s native tokens.

These automatic buybacks help maintain the buying pressure and create value for the token market. Frequency is also vital for the protocol as it helps establish credibility and trust within the user community. Precog Finance calculates its yield at each profit distribution cycle and injects a certain percentage of it back into the market. The platform-token works as a gain-realizing vehicle. Investors with tokens stand to gain higher yields when they decide to stake their coins.

Carrying forward the momentum

Precog Finance already sits on solid fundamentals and well-established operational logistics, and it is partnered with well-known and innovative projects, like Polygon and Fringe Finance. Further, it has earned a lot of traction due to reports published on Coincodex, Coinmarketcap, Entrepreneur, IBT, and more.

Additionally, Precog Finance will soon release new products, like its SentientV.2, which is a smart-contract set-up that readily identifies market opportunities and quickly aggregates the best rates from the available decentralized lending markets. The company will also introduce Cerebral, a platform for the community to define, create, and efficiently deploy profitable synthetic assets.

Overall, Precog Finance seems to be perfectly set up to carry its momentum. With the massive amount of attention the project is already receiving, and the technology behind it, crypto-interested investors stand to gain a lot.