Huobi Incubator to Co-organize Hackathon to Spur Web3 Development

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Web3 Scholarship, a funding platform initiated by Huobi Incubator, today announced that it will partner with FBG Capital, Asia Blockchain Gaming Alliance (ABGA), Sanctor Capital, and Spark Digital Capital to establish the Web 3.0 Sea Alliance and organize the Web 3.0 Hackathon, to be held from 21-25 Mar 2022.

Huobi believes that Web3 has the potential to transform the blockchain industry and the internet as a whole, impacting storage, protocols, networks, applications and more. Co-organizing and sponsoring this hackathon along with some of the leading crypto venture capital firms will seek to further this vision.

In January, Huobi Incubator, the project incubation arm of Huobi Group, partnered with five blockchain companies and university associations to establish Web3 Scholarship, a funding platform for developers, builders and projects in the Web3 field. Huobi Incubator allocated an initial $10 million to fund the platform.

From 1 Feb 2022 until 15 Mar 2022, all developers and startup teams who are passionate about Web3 are welcome to register for the hackathon. The hackathon will feature a total prize pool of US$92,000, with the top winner winning US$25,000. Alibaba Cloud will also be one of the evaluators, and reward the winners with coupons on its services. Winners may have the opportunity to receive funding from Web3 Scholarship in the future as well. The full list of prizes and rewards is below:


Total Award Pool Size:           US$92,000

Top Winner:                            US$25,000 (1 slot)

Second Tier Winners:             US$15,000, (2 slots)

Third Tier Winners:                 US$8,000 (3 slots)

Community Award:                 US$3,000 (1 slot)

Alibaba Cloud Credits Coupon

Top Winner:                            US$2,000 (1 slot)

Second Tier Winners:             US$1,000 (2 slots)

Third Tier Winners:                 US$600 (3 slots)

Community Award:                 US$300 (1 slot)

The online hacking period will take place from 21-24 Mar 2022, and Demo Day will occur on 25 Mar 2022.

“We aim to discover talented developers that have the potential to drive Web3 developments and transform the industry,” said Jewel Chen, Head of Huobi Incubator. “We hope that these developers can work together with us to make the Web3 dream a reality.”

To register for the hackathon, click here.

Interested developers are also welcome to brainstorm together at the Web 3.0 Hackathon Discord portal

About Huobi Incubator

Huobi Incubator is a professional, full-cycle project incubator that integrates industry research with investment funds, incubation processes and accelerators. With the mission of accelerating startup project development across all stages and users, Huobi Incubator helps entrepreneurs and startups overcome obstacles, achieve rapid growth, and work toward their respective visions and goals.

About Web3 Scholarship

Web3 Scholarship is a funding platform jointly initiated by Huobi Incubator and a group of blockchain veterans, venture capitals, universities, and encryption platforms. It will be committed to funding builders in the Web 3.0 field and providing support in many aspects, i.e,. funds, incubator mentorship and token listing opportunities for early-stage projects.


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