Introducing BaseCamp 001: On-Chain Off-Grid Innovations


Back to where it all began

Last August, Base made its mainnet debut from an unlikely launchpad: a remote Starlink setup in the mountains of Idyllwild, California during FWB FEST 2023. Why’d we choose to go live from there? We wanted to be surrounded by the energy of onchain creators, visionaries, and the mountains underneath our feet.

Now, one year later, we’re coming full circle

Now, one year later, we’re coming full circle by bringing BaseCamp to the same symbolic space. For two days in Idyllwild, we’re bringing the Base community together to connect, look towards our onchain future, and work together to accelerate progress.

Building the onchain future, offgrid

BaseCamp celebrates the projects and people at the forefront of building onchain. At its heart, this is a time for the Base community to connect, share ideas, and forge new collaborations that propel us toward a future where more people participate in a global, onchain economy.

The BaseCamp experience is designed to ignite the builder spirit through vision-setting, lightning talks, live performances, interactive art-making, delicious food, and bonding activities.

BaseCamp precedes FWB FEST 2024 and takes place from Wednesday, July 31, to Thursday, August 1, including a welcome mixer and 1-day summit. Attendance at BaseCamp will include:

  • A fully hosted experience, with complimentary lodging and dining. All we ask is that you cover your own travel to LAX or Palm Springs airport.
  • A complimentary ticket to FWB FEST, so you can experience the broader onchain cultural context that Base was launched in.

“Our deeply held belief at FWB is that we are in a reciprocal relationship with our internet: as we build it, it in turn shapes us. FWB FEST provides a container for Base founders and builders to not only spend critical time IRL, but to integrate culture into crypto infrastructure and consumer products. This positive feedback loop will only build a better internet and bring more people into the onchain arena. BASECAMP at FWB FEST is a validation of our thesis that culture drives adoption of emerging tech.”

– Greg Bresnitz, CEO of FWB