Introducing Pixa: New Pixel Art Editor to Save Privacy on Web 3.0

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One unique feature of Pixa’s algorithm to merge colors is it does so by redundancy which hasn’t been seen in real-life yet, as current CPUs of computers can’t process it. 

Pixa is a new software with an algorithm that imports any image and reduces the number of colors in the image. Pixa was created with the aim of preserving the intent of the picture a user wants to play with, slashing down the many thousands of colors in the picture, to a much simpler set of around 20 colors, whiles preserving only the useful dimension of both height and width, to make pixel art accessible, and easily shared without scandals getting both lightness and benefice instead of harm and sacrifice for the Web 3.0 to see an emerging contact with reality and for it to see the light.

Pixa’s algorithm for color quantization is innovative yet very costly for a CPU to process, all the thousands color are analyzed and it takes into account how frequent they are in the image, going through many rounds, it will progressively merge the color matrices present in the image following how much they are used in. It takes a few seconds to import an image and do the 3 steps which are 1) Import 2) auto contrast and auto color number 3) Smoothing.

One unique feature of Pixa’s algorithm to merge colors is it does so by counting frequencies that haven’t been seen in real-life yet, as current CPUs of computers endure to process it.

Pixa also prides itself on privacy and no interference from any third-party source. According to a statement from Affolter Matias, the programmer behind the software algorithm:

“Its features to import any image and reduce the number of color along with its 36 tools and 39 effects will make it a powerful ally to your privacy on the Web 3.0.”

The new Pixa software is also equipped with a list of impressive features including, 1 smart import feature with fancy resizing and color reduction algorithms, (Designed and developed exclusively for it)1 powerful system of layers,16 Painting tools, 23 Selection tools, 12 Effects (color tuning) and 24 Filters (color correction).

Pixa is out to revolutionize pixel art in the NFT world, seemingly suggesting that the current scene is more or less a blurry one, and describing the visual graphic that a blockchain is capable of storing as ‘forced downgrade.’

Affolter Matias is a computer programmer and a cryptographer who at the moment specializes in 2D/3D visual effects.

News, Technology News

Kofi Ansah

Crypto fanatic, writer and researcher. Thinks that Blockchain is second to a digital camera on the list of greatest inventions.