Introducing the WHEXcosystem: Combining Crypto, NFTs, and Whale Conservation

Introducing the WHEXcosystem: Combining Crypto, NFTs, and Whale Conservation

The hale Exploder Ecosystem (WHEXcosystem) – A Unique Initiative to Save Whales Through Cto and NFTs

The Whale Exploder Ecosystem: A Brief Overview

Welcome to the Whale Exploder Ecosystem (WHEXcosystem), a unique initiative that combines cryptocurrency, NFTs, and whale conservation efforts. Our mission is to save the whales one transaction at a time, envisioning a world where cryptocurrency and NFTs have a net positive impact on the environment. Here’s a quick rundown of what the WHEXcosystem entails:

Whale Exploder DeFi Token ($WHEX)

– Launched on June 19, 2021

– Built on the Binance Smart Chain

– A portion of transaction fees donated to whale conservation charities

WHEXy Whales NFT Collection

– Collection of 4,800 NFTs created on April 29, 2022

– Initially launched on Polygon and later migrated to Ethereum blockchain

– Functions as profile picture collection and income generator for whale conservation charities

– Allows holders to win WHEX and participate in the distribution of DAO vote tokens

WHEXcosystem DAO Token ($WHEXDAO)

– Launched on May 12, 2022

– Used for making decisions on the WHEXcosystem’s future through blockchain voting

– Each WHEXy Whale NFT holder receives one voting token per voting round

The Vision and Mission of WHEXcosystem

Our **vision** is that one day, cryptocurrency and NFTs will have a net positive impact on the environment.

Our **mission** is to save the whales one transaction at a time. We do this through our BSC token Whale Exploder, NFTs, the WHEXy whales, and partnering with other projects that focus on important environmental causes.

Meet the Founder: Peter Wake

Peter Wake, the founder and CEO of WHEXcosystem, is a Mining Engineering graduate from 2020. In early 2021, Peter started investing in cryptocurrency, beginning with Dogecoin and a few DeFi projects. He had been observing the market since receiving free Doge in 2016 from a faucet.

In March 2021, Peter created his first NFT on OpenSea, and in June 2021, he launched the Whale Exploder token on the Binance Smart Chain. Today, Peter leads the WHEXcosystem, striving to make a positive impact on the environment and save whales through the innovative use of cryptocurrency and NFTs.


The Whale Exploder Ecosystem (WHEXcosystem) offers a unique combination of cryptocurrency, NFTs, and whale conservation efforts. By engaging with the WHEXcosystem, you can contribute to saving whales one transaction at a time while participating in an innovative, environmentally-conscious crypto project. Join us today in our mission to make a positive impact on the environment and help save the whales through the power of blockchain technology.