Is Ethereum the Best Blockchain in the Crypto World? Sanzooz Finance (SZFT) & Uniswap (UNI)

ethereum best blockchain sanzooz finance uniswap 1

Place/Date: – May 26th, 2022 at 3:48 pm UTC · 4 min read
Source: Sanzooz Finance

The interesting thing about the crypto world is that there is always something new happening everyday, whether it is the metaverse, the emergence of NFTs, prices dropping or Elon Musk buying Twitter. These different things affect the market whether it be positive or negative, which in turn can result in a considerable amount of profit. In this article, I will be sharing two different cryptocurrencies that are worth having in your wallet for their utility and uniqueness.

Background on Sanzooz (SZFT)

Sanzooz Finance (SZFT) is an Ethereum-based protocol for decentralised asset issuance. A decentralised asset is a new and revolutionary form of cryptocurrency investment. The asset can be created/minted by anyone on the same decentralised finance blockchain (also referred to as DeFi).

In this insurance system, the blockchain can help automate different claims and functions by verifying the coverage between these various companies and different reinsurers. It will then in turn automate payments among parties for claims and hence lowering administrative costs for insurance companies.

Sanzooz is prided in its desire to keep all its investors by devising a potential risk mitigation strategy to safeguard the funds of their investors. SZFT do this to secure their smart contracts from any outside interference. They also make it a duty to frequently out-source experts and auditors for consultations to further ensure the protection of their investors.

SZFT’s Artificial Assets

Artificial assets do not exist in a tangible form nor do they have an inherent value. These products are derivatives of tangible assets that do have intrinsic value such as; currencies, commodities, and equities. This is why artificial assets are also known as derivatives.

Artificial assets are collateralized by the Sanzooz Network Token, which when locked in a contract allows the creation of artificial assets. This collateral model enables users to complete asset conversions directly through a smart contract, which in turn removes the necessity of any other counterparts. Sanzooz Finance facilitates the trading of artificial fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, and commodities.

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The existence of artificial assets came about to facilitate trading assets without needing to physically relocate them, or pre-selling goods that are yet to be made available for merchandising purposes. Typically what happens during the creation of an artificial asset, is that two or more parties agree on terms that create a contract based on a real-world asset. Although the actual contract is not worth anything, the agreement recognizes the financial value of the contract.

UniSwap (UNI) – Facilitating Multi-chain Operations

Uniswap protocol is a peer-to-peer system designed for exchanging cryptocurrencies within the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol is implemented as a set of persistent non-upgradeable smart contracts; self-custody, and designed to prioritise censorship resistance so that it can function without any trusted intermediaries who may selectively restrict access.

By using smart contracts, UNI makes it easy for automatic transactions between different cryptocurrency tokens within the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain network. Uniswap currency since being released has already reached some momentous milestones and was established as the first decentralised exchange to licence leverage trading, market specialists find that the pricing is set to be held lower than its anticipated growth capacity.

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To conclude, we see that there are a lot of tokens and cryptocurrencies that are part of the Ethereum network. This plays a big role in the popularity of the ETH blockchain because it allows its investors and companies to do a lot more than just transfer money between different entities. Everyone wants to know that what they are putting their money into will not be compromised and remain secure and safe which is what Sanzooz Finance is known for.

For more on Sanzooz Finance (SZFT) visit: Website, Presale, Telegram.