John Lennon and The Beatles Memorabilia Up for Auction as NFTs

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The proposed conversion of the John Lennon music relics to NFTs is arguably a testament to one of the ways Non-Fungible Tokens will bring massive disruption to the art and music industry.

Julian Lennon, the eldest son of music legend John Lennon, is set to auction some of his personal collection featuring his father’s music relics as a part of The Beatles group as NFTs. With many music artifacts belonging to his father in his private collection, Julian implies the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) move will be a good way to share a piece of musical history with the world.

Amongst the items to be auctioned include the “Magical Mystery Tour” film, his cape from “Help!,” three guitars, and Paul McCartney’s handwritten note with the inscription, “Hey Jude,” originally written for Julian to comfort him at the time when his father and Cynthia Lennon were going through a divorce brawl.

The auction for the musical collectible christened “Lennon Connection: The NFT Collection,” will take place on Monday, February 7, and registration for this event is already open to interested collectors. The auction will take place on Julien’s Auctions, and bids for parts of the collection like the ‘Hey Jude’ writing currently stands at $47,500 from three bidders.

“I’ve been collecting these personal items for about 30 years, and I was getting a bit fed up with them being locked away in a vault, where I’ve had to keep them because I didn’t want them to get damaged,” Lennon said, adding “I actually felt very bad about keeping all that stuff locked away, and I just felt that this was a unique way to continue dad’s legacy and to show people the collections I have, and with the videos and narration, to give people a little more than they would normally get and hear some stories that they haven’t heard before in a new art form and a different medium.” 

The NFTs will be presented as an audio-visual piece with personal narration from Julian but the physical items will be kept by him. Part of the proceeds from the Lennon Connection NFT Collection will be donated to White Feather Foundation, a not-for-profit organization owned by Julian Lennon. 

John Lennon NFTs: a Testament to Art Disruption

The proposed conversion of the John Lennon music relics to NFTs is arguably a testament to one of the ways Non-Fungible Tokens will bring massive disruption to the art and music industry. With the growing popularity of NFTs, a number of digital artists including Mike Winkelmann, popularly known as Beeple have been cashing out a great deal from converting their works into NFTs that are registered on the blockchain.

While Julian confirmed the release of the items in his private collection will follow a multi-year rollout feature, the discovery of NFTs is undoubtedly a landmark milestone in remembering the legacies of his father.

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Benjamin Godfrey

Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture.