Justin Sun wins first seat bid for the upcoming Blue Origin space voyage

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  • Justin Sun, Tron founder and now Grenada ambassador to the WTO, has won the bid for the first seat of Blue Origin’s upcoming space trip.
  • He is also launching the “Sea of Space” initiative and will get to nominate five companions for his space journey.

Five days ago, Justin Sun, founder of the Tron blockchain, stepped down from his post as the network’s CEO. He assumed a new political role as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Grenada to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Read More: Justin Sun steps down from Tron for a new political role, Tron Foundation to be dissolved in 2022

In May, the Jeff Bezos-backed spaceflight firm Blue Origin opened up bidding for its first suborbital tourism trip on the Inaugural New Shepard rocket. Sun has today revealed that he placed the winning bid for the first seat on the spacecraft. The techpreneur is now preparing for a journey in the New Shepard spaceflight, alongside five crewmates, in 2022. He will take the Grenadian flag with him on the round trip, making him the first Grenadian, international diplomat, and blockchain industry leader to ever reach space.

Blue Origin’s vision is to enable millions of people live and work in space, to Earth’s advantage. The spaceflight company successfully took a human crew to suborbital space in July 20, and safely brought them back on the Kármán line (internationally recognized start of space).

The company’s latest bid amounted to $28 million in full, which was directed to its foundation Club for the Future. In turn, the club donated these funds to 19 space-based charities. The money will provide financial support to encourage upcoming generations to undertake careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). It will also play a role in motivating the quest of life in space.

Justin Sun plans sub-orbital space voyage

H.E. Justin Sun will now be launching a campaign dubbed the “Sea of Stars,” so-called after the Chinese idiom “星辰大海.” The initiative’s name conveys that earth is where human life originated and not where it will end. It also makes part of Sun’s space trip and marks the next limit in conquering the boundless Sea of Stars.

In the upcoming months, Sun will have the privilege of selecting a group of five persons, both male and female, to accompany him on his space voyage. Nominees will include members of the TRON DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) community. From this cohort may come long-term holders of Justin Sun-associated tokens including TRX, BTT, JST, SUN, NFT, and WIN.

Sun’s nominees may also include exceptional leaders from the worlds of fashion, art, technology, space exploration and entrepreneurship. Further details on this nomination process and criteria will be communicated over the coming months.

With the rapid development of commercial aerospace, entering space may become a dream that every person can realize in his or her lifetime. We are entering the era of great spaceflight. This great journey requires more people to get involved,” said H.E. Mr. Sun. “The initiative of Blue Origin to take more people to space to see Earth as our singular common home is extraordinary. Club for the Future offers a way to use that experience to inspire youth around the world to dream and act on their dreams of science, technology, and space exploration. I felt compelled to help further that vision through my bid.