Kassandra AMA Recap

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AvaxDaily hosts Kassandra: #DAO #Kassandra #AvaxDaily #Avax

autoshark banner 26_11_2021

Avax_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Jorge: Hello everyone! I’m good, how about you? It is a pleasure to be here today with you guys (:

Avax_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Jorge: Sure!

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please have a quick introduction to the community. What is Kassandra all about? Where did the idea for this project come from?

Jorge: Kassandra is all about bringing validated TradFi investment products to the DeFi ecosystem.

The idea came from the urge to increase the success and ease of ETFs through tokens governed by a decentralized autonomous organization. And by doing this we aim to build an infrastructure where fund managers and investors can communicate efficiently.

With all the goods of DeFi such as being non-custodial, permissionless and so on.

It’s all about making your money smart effectively.

Q2: Can you tell us a bit about the team and their experience with crypto projects?

Jorge: We decided to go 100% transparent on the team. We’re a regular, bust fast-paced team of joes who share a passion for the crypto ecosystem.

Right now our team is composed of 8 people, in which some are old OGs in crypto, and some are more degen than others.

You can find a more detailed info on each one of our team members in the following article:


Q3: Can you walk us through the uniqueness of Kassandra?

Jorge: Kassandra stands out by adding value to both managers and investors.

For managers we bring a plug-and-earn solution to port complex money management strategies to decentralized ecosystems, saving time and costs when compared to the traditional market, helping managers to raise funds without the need for complex infrastructure.

For investors, Kassandra democratizes access to robust data models and quantitative analysts leveraging portfolio optimization and potential gains.

There are many kinds of data that can and may be converted into investment strategies by Kassandra.

Q4: How do you approach your marketing to increase Kassandra users in the future?

Jorge: Our focus is all in the community. So every marketing strategy that we do is in order to reward those who supports us the most.

We are also in advanced talks with other established protocols to build new products together.

And about the rewards, I suggest that people subscribe to our newsletter on the website.

Q5: Let’s dive into your token. Tokenomics & use cases? Where and how can the community buy your token?

Jorge: Let me share a quick image that resumes some of the thing I’ll be talking.

Our token is not live yet, but it will be very soon. We have an IDO partner yet to be announced. And once again, the newsletter on the website is the best place to know who and when.

About the use cases, we have a 5% holding rule, in which every investment strategy offered by the DAO must hold at least 5% of $KACY tokens. And also $KACY holders will have voting power in the DAO Beyond that, the only fee that Kassandra charges is a withdrawal fee that will be rewarded to $KACY holders as well.

Q6: Can you tell us about the Kassandra tokenized funds, what will be the first? What can we expect next?

Jorge: The first product that we’ll be launching is the Avalanche Social Index. Which is described in detail in this article.


It has some quite interesting features. Like the way it rebalances it’s weights based on the social index. Which is a strategy that we backtested a lot in order to validate. In our medium there are more articles about the backtests.

And we already have another product to launch, but it is not public yet. It will be in partnership with another solid protocol on the Avalanche ecosystem.

Q7: What are the project goals? Can you share with us your roadmap in the next 6 months?

Jorge: Beyond keep bringing validated strategies to the DAO, we’ll be multi-chain. So we intend to expand the idea of the social index to other chains as well. Bringing a vary wide range of exposures possibilities to the users.

We also have in our roadmap a community feature, in which people will be able to create their own investment products using our technology.

Q8: Where can we find out more about Kassandra on social media?

Jorge: https://kassandrafoundation.medium.com/





Avax_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with Kassandra.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Jorge: I’d like to say thanks for all those who contributed to this experience. We are glad to be part of this community! And as mentioned, we look forward to answer any unanswered question.

Once again, thanks a lot! (:

Avax_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Kassandra.

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