KingdomX AMA Recap

cropped Favicon CD 01 01 32x32 1 hosts KingdomX: #KingdomX #BSCDaily #BSC

BSCDaily Admin: Hello Wilson! Welcome to the @bsc_daily community! How is it going?

Wilson: Good, you?

BSCDaily Admin: I’m doing well! I’m really excited for this AMA with you!

Wilson: Me too!

BSCDaily Admin: I know 😁 so why don’t we start the AMA right away?

Wilson: Yes, let’s start!

Q1: First and foremost, please introduce KingdomX to the @bsc_daily community. What is the inspiration for this project?

Wilson: KingdomX is an NFT strategy war game in the blockchain. Players could collect heroes, complete tasks, challenge activities, participate in the war, and establish the personal game kingdom through social networking and territory development. The overall ecology in the game is based on the GameFi protocol. It enhances the fun of the game, ensures the game assets, and enables all players to benefit from the game and win tokens or rewards.

Our development team has been deeply involved in the field of traditional games for many years and has in-depth research on grand scenes and battle modes. When everyone saw the fantasy journey created by J.R.R. Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings, they have been discussing the combination of the Middle Ages and the magical elements. What kind of game world can this background build? Finally, this idea can be realized in KingdomX. Of course, the content of such a huge worldview is also very rich. We will start with the details, develop and improve them in several stages.

BSCDaily Admin: So the game is based on the Middle Ages with Knights, Wizards, etc. Interesting. I’m always a fan of The Lord of the Rings so really excited to see what the game has in store for us in the future

Q2: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences?

Wilson: Sure.

The core team comes from well-known companies such as Ubisoft.

The development team is highly educated, highly qualified, experienced, professional, and innovative. Our team has 2 years of blockchain game development experience and 10+ years of game development. We have established insight into both traditional games and GameFi, committed to developing top-class blockchain games, exploring and invigorating the industry with our ground-breaking innovations.

BSCDaily Admin: Wow more than 10 years of game development in top gaming companies such as Ubisoft.

So I mean, why did you guys decide to move on to Blockchain technology a few years ago? Is it because of the potential that Blockchain has on the Gaming Industry?

Wilson: Yes, We believe that blockchain will definitely become the new cornerstone for games. The emerging business model it represents will be the next hit in the games industry, like how mobile games go viral now. The industry has gone from the model of “pay to play”, to “free to play”, to the current “play to earn”. This trend has stood out and convinced us that our efforts in Gamefi will deserve it. And we believe that it gonna attract a wide range of players.

Q3:  Why did you and your team decide to build a strategy war game in the blockchain? Do you think it’s gonna attract a wide range of players?

Wilson: We have 100% confidence that KingdomX will attract lots of players and as the Q1 mentioned, lots of our corn team members all have an interest in the Middle Ages Strategy war elements, so we hope that we can put our interests in the game we created.

BSCDaily Admin: Of course, there are demographics or everything and I think with the experiences that KingdomX’s team possess, the gameplay is going to be a key factor attracting the players.

Q4: Let’s talk about the gameplay for a second. What will players need to join the game? And what game modes are available?

Wilson: Players just need a BSC wallet address and NFT Hero to join our game.

KingdomX game modes have not been available yet, sorry for that, the firstly launching game modes will be daily task, adventure challenge, and before these modes are officially live, liquidity staking campaign and NFT limited medal collection(this is not NFT Hero) will be released firstly.

BSCDaily Admin: Oh so can you introduce to us what can we use the NFT limited medal for in-game? It’s not an NFT Hero, so I guess it’s a type of power-up for your troops?

Wilson: This is a secret, but your guess is partly right, haha, we will reveal its function soon, please stay tuned to our social media platforms 🥰

Q5: A good NFT game needs to balance the gameplay and economy of the game. Let’s dive into your tokens $KT. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of the $KT use cases?

Wilson: The stability of the economic system is the cornerstone of the country’s steady development. For KingdomX, the core of the economic system is also to make the game run smoothly for a long time. And we already published an article to detailly introduce the tokenomics of KingdomX, the link is

KT is the corn token of KingdomX and used for value transfer and community governance. It could be used for the bottoming when recruiting heroes, earning energy through staking, strengthening equipment parts, and acquiring the voting right for community governance. It could be obtained through early participation in project investment, game operation activities, and procurement through the exchange. In the process of game operation, the official party or community can make a proposal to destroy a certain proportion of KT collected by the system.

Q6: Where can we buy $KT?

Wilson: At this moment, we will hold SHO with Dao Maker and IGO with GameStarter for players to buy $KT, the certain date will be announced on our social media platform.

Q7: What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2022 as a whole?

Wilson: In the next 3 months, we will put KT in the liquidity pool and publish staking gameplay. You can take a look at the above roadmap about the 2022 entire plan.

Q8: Where can we find out more about KingdomX?

Wilson: You can find more about KingdomX on our official site:, and you can take a look at our social media platform:


Telegram Chat:

Telegram Announcement:

BSCDaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with KingdomX 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Wilson: Thank you for everyone’s support to KingdomX, and we will bring the best GameFi project to you. Please stay tuned to our project!

BSCDaily Admin: Thank you Wilson for being here with the community! I understand KingdomX still has a long journey ahead but I know you guys are creating something huge here!

Best of luck and a happy new year!

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