Kulfi Finance, a new DeFi project, is launching a fixed-rate lending protocol on Cardano

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The biggest buzzword on the market right now is “crypto,” and everyone wants to try to make money in the crypto world.

Some people have the wrong idea that crypto is only like stocks and nothing else. But in reality, there is a lot more to learn about cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

One of the most popular ways to invest in cryptocurrencies is to buy them and hold on to them until their prices go up. But is that the only way to make money on the cryptocurrency market? No, that’s not true. If you dig deeper, you’ll find that a lot of people talk about lending crypto and getting interest in it. Yes, investing in different cryptocurrencies can give you high rates of return on the money you put in.

Doesn’t that sound like a great deal?

The idea of lending is the same as it has always been. The only difference is that investors lend cryptocurrencies instead of fiat currency on some platform. Borrowers get crypto loans from different platforms to trade or do whatever else they want. When investors lend money to borrowers on a decentralized platform, they get crypto dividends in return.

Now, we’ll look at the newest platform for lending and borrowing crypto, which is being called “very promising.”

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Introducing Kulfi Finance

Kulfi Finance is a decentralized lending and borrowing platform based on the Cardano blockchain that aims to deliver financial services to consumers throughout the globe. The purpose of DEFI is to provide real individuals with real funds, allowing them to develop and pursue exciting endeavors. The phrase – Charles Hoskinson. Kulfi provides efficient and inexpensive liquidity by enabling owners of digital assets to borrow needed assets instantaneously against their crypto holdings without selling them.

The cryptocurrency deposits supply the platform with liquidity, while the users receive interest on their holdings. This gives fund managers, miners, and holders the option to put their digital assets to work. Users may interact with the mobile and online apps of Kulfi with convenience and a high level of security, thanks to robust encryption and a safe, tailored captcha system.

Cardano’s Kulfi FInance is a non-custodial money market protocol. It aims to offer a variety of interest rate products on the Cardano blockchain, including variable rate lending and fixed rate lending. The present variable rate product includes variable interest rates depending on supply and demand, cross collateral lending, and instant loans.

The fixed-rate loan product is based on the zero coupon bond concept. The initiative permits fixed-rate lending by lenders and fixed-rate, fixed-term borrowing by borrowers. Kulfi Finance aims to serve as the ecosystem’s liquidity gateway for Cardano DeFi via the use of streamlined user interfaces and reduced collateral requirements.

Kufi Finance’s main products

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Users who want to borrow at a set interest rate may manufacture and sell -VE Wtokens. By exchanging -VE Wtokens for cash, borrowers get money in return for the promise to repay a predetermined amount of currency at a future date. A borrower must first deposit collateral into their Kulfi portfolio. The borrower then mints -VE Wtokens tokens at their selected maturity. The borrower may now sell the -VE Wtokens into its liquidity pool for cash.

The borrower now has access to withdrawable cash and a future responsibility to repay a specific amount of currency secured by their assets.

As the loan’s maturity date approaches, the borrower may either return the debt or roll it over to a later date. A third party may roll the borrower’s debt to the closest maturity with a penalty interest rate if the borrower fails to repay the loan or roll it ahead prior to maturity.


Purchase +VE Wtoken if you want to lend your money at a set interest rate. A lender swaps their money at the moment of the transaction for a larger, set quantity of the same currency at a future date. The user’s exchange rate indicates a set interest rate on their loan between the time they trade and when their +VE Wtoken matures.

In the following example, a lender intends to lend 100 DJED to Kulfi for one year at a set interest rate. First, the lender contributes 100 DJED to the Kulfi liquidity pool in exchange for 105 wDJED. At the maturity of the loan, the lender may convert their 105 wDJED to 105 DJED. At maturity, the lender may exchange their Wtokens for money.


Staking is a crucial function in a Proof of Stake blockchain like Cardano for supporting network security and operations. In return for incentives, staking is the act of delegating or locking up cryptocurrency holdings. Cardano holders may generate a passive income via staking rewards.

KLS Staking: Staked KLS enables KLS holders to receive a return on their KLS holdings while contributing to the security of the Kulfi protocol and facilitating the liquidity of the KLS token. Staked KLS is always redeemable.

Liquidity Providers

The Kulfi liquidity pool is capitalized by liquidity providers. They contribute to the liquidity pools and serve as lending institutions for borrowers. In return for their assistance, liquidity providers get interest payments from borrowers and transaction fees whenever a borrower conducts a transaction.

Putting Away Liquidity: To deposit into the Kulfi liquidity pool, a liquidity provider must first specify the token and quantity of liquidity they want to offer.

The liquidity provider contributes funds to the liquidity pool in exchange for interest-bearing tokens (pTokens).

The liquidity provider currently has liquidity tokens. Their proportionate claim on the liquidity pool is represented by their liquidity tokens. A liquidity provider may at any moment exchange liquidity tokens for these underlying assets.

Borrow against your pTokens while accumulating LP rewards.

Principal Tokens (pTokens)

Minting pTokens

By contributing to the Kulfi Liquidity pool, pTokens may be mined. You will get the specified amount’s worth in pTokens. Reward distribution is determined on the number of pTokens a user has. 

Redeeming pTokens

pTokens may be redeemed by placing them into a burn pool in exchange for assets. This may be accomplished in one transaction.

Cardano Compatibility

pTokens are cardano tokens that are transferable via their deployed addresses.

Kulfi NFT

The Genesis collection of 10,000 Kulfi NFTs will be made available for purchase via Kulfi Finance.

Kulfi NFT Benefits
– Boost KLS staking rewards
– More use cases will be rolled out in the nearest future.

Kufi Finance’s Features

Access to wide range of tokens

Kulfi Finance is introducing new forms of collateral. Utilize your riches to a greater extent than ever before.

Minimal to 0% liquidations risk

Kulfi finance V2 will use three ways to protect customer cash against asset liquidation. You have the option to self-liquidate your debt at your discretion. Utilizing collateral yields a return on your side to protect collateral!

Completely flexible

Kulfi Finance doesn’t lock your deposit or charge you fees. Your money are available at all times. Additionally, you may refund your obligation anytime you want. Unique to Kulfi Finance loans is the ability to leverage your money without incurring the danger of liquidation. Kulfi Finance enables you to borrow against an asset without the danger of losing it in the case of a market collapse.

Repay your loan

Loans from Kulfi Finance are entirely adaptable. Your deposits are never locked, and there are always methods available to free them. In contrast to regular bank loans, there are no fees or penalties for early payment. In addition, Kulfi Finance loans are automatically repaid over time. You may also opt for manual repayment of your loan.

Liquidate your loan

One of the many benefits of Kulfi Finance loans is that there is always a way out of your predicament, even if you do not have the cash on hand to make a repayment. The liquidate option enables you to utilize your deposited collateral to satisfy your obligation. Loans from Kulfi Finance are always overcollateralized, which means there are always sufficient money in your account to pay your obligation and enable you to go.

Interest Bearing Financing Digital Assets with Interest Miners, hodlers, retail investors, and fund managers who own digital assets will now have the potential to earn income on their holdings in addition to their appreciation in value over time. Users may deposit assets with Kulfi to offer liquidity to the Kulfi ecosystem and receive interest on their deposits on a regular basis.

Interest Bearing

This also enables users to borrow Stable currency in real time depending on the value of the underlying assets. Spending Digital Assets Currently, users must endure long procedures in order to sell their assets and acquire cash for their everyday needs. Additionally, they face a capital gains tax and lose ownership of the assets. Kulfi offers immediate loans against digital 8 assets to pay for transactions in real-time without relinquishing control of the assets.

As soon as the assets are validated on the blockchain, they are immediately ready for use as loan collateral. Kulfi computes the available loan limit using price feeds from many markets. The deposits begin collecting interest 24 hours after they are made. The accumulated interest will correspond to the APY value selected per currency. Users may opt to earn promotional interest rates by holding KLS tokens.


How to participate in Kulfi financial governance: It is possible to participate in Kulfi finance governance. By just maintaining KLS. KLS holdings are the source of voting power. This is because people holding more KLS tokens are more committed to the initiative. Consequently, individuals have a greater motivation to thrive and flourish.

Voting: Voting needs the possession of KLS, which may be saved easily in a nami wallet or staked in the governance pool. To vote, it is not necessary to remove the stake. Voting power is directly proportional to the number of KLS a voter has.

Developing a proposition: No one is permitted to submit proposals. To submit a proposal, you must own both a Kulfi NFT and a minimum number of KLS Tokens to invest in the governance pool. Each proposal consists of a question addressed to the community and a list of possible voting options.

The maturities are determined by a predetermined period based on the major governance characteristics.

Fixed Rate Protocol


On Kulfi Finance, borrowers may earn fixed-rate interest on their loans. Initially, borrowers must provide collateral. Then, negative Wtokens are created. -VE Wtokens may be exchanged for an asset or redeemed for cash (Stablecoins). The -VE Wtoken represents the borrowed cash in addition to a specified maturity date on which payback is required. Now, borrowers have a loan in the selected currency as well as a future responsibility to repay with interest. On the maturity day, borrowers have the option of repaying their loan or rolling it over to a future maturity date.


At Kulfi finance, users who seek to earn interest on their cash may become lenders and receive a set rate. Lenders must deposit an asset in order to acquire positive Wtokens assets with a future worth greater than their original deposit. When +Wtokens attain full maturity, they may be exchanged for money. The interest earned is the exchange rate or difference in value between the deposited amount and the +VE Wtokens asset upon maturity.

Liquidity Pools

The liquidity pools are the source of liquidity for the Kulfi cryptocurrency platform’s lenders and borrowers. Kulfi Finance provides safe, public blockchain-based administration of money as an alternative to costly conventional third-party middlemen and banks that provide shady borrowing and lending capabilities. In addition, the liquidity is completely decentralized. On one side of each liquidity pool is bitcoin, and on the other, Wtokens. In addition, each liquidity pool represents a maturity date.


Kulfi Finance utilizes a collateralization strategy to guarantee that lenders collect their investment with interest on schedule. Moreover, the project solely provides clients loans with excessive collateral. Kulfi accepts a variety of crypto assets as collateral, with varying degrees of security depending on the asset.


When smart contracts sell assets to cover debt positions, liquidations occur. This implies that debtors cannot just get a loan and never return it. Kulfi Finance does not liquidate collateral in its whole, like a bank would when repossessing a home. Rather, collateral is only partly liquidated. This implies that borrowers will only lose enough collateral to maintain the loan’s collateralization level. In the unusual case of high market volatility and delayed borrower liquidations, Kulfi maintains its own reserve pool of native KLS tokens. The project’s assets will be sold to obtain the necessary cash to guarantee that lenders always get their money with interest.

pToken Attributes

What are pTokens?

pTokens let users earn passive rewards by contributing liquidity to the Kulfi Liquidity pool. pTokens are Cardano assets redeemable for a portion of Kulfi’s total liquid assets. Governance settings of pTokens affect the distribution of incentives to liquidity pool providers.

These governance settings aim to:
– Optimize the distribution of liquidity across liquidity pools
– Optimize the rewards for pToken holders.

pTokens Attributes

● Interest-bearing
● Freely redeemable and transferable
● High-quality collateral
● Yield Farming

Risks parameters

We would like to remind consumers that there are several hazards associated with the usage of Defi goods, therefore the team will make every effort to minimize these risks. Ensure that you are aware of the potential dangers.

The following dangers are associated with utilizing the protocols:

Kulfi Finance Contract Risk: The team strives to produce secure code and conducts internal and external code reviews in addition to audits by recognized auditing companies. However, we do want to make you aware that this situation may happen.

Oracle Risk: Chainlink Oracle was chosen as their supplier. They are supported by some of the most trustworthy trading businesses. However, there is still a possibility that incorrect or misleading pricing data gets fed into their loan products.

Loan To Value (LTV)

LTV is the ratio between the maximum permitted loan amount and the value of the collateral.

Liquidation Threshold

Liquidation threshold refers to the ratio between the amount borrowed and the value of the collateral at which users are susceptible to liquidation.

Liquidation Bonus

The liquidation bonus is the additional collateral that the liquidator will get in exchange for incurring the risk of liquidating the users.

Kulfi Liquidation Factor

Liquidation happens when the total amount borrowed by a user reaches a certain level, i.e. when the risk factor is higher than or equal to 100%.

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Risk factor indicates the user’s total liquidation risk. The danger decreases as the users provide more collateral to the system. In contrast, as customers borrow more, the danger rises.

When a user reaches the liquidation threshold, up to fifty percent (in terms of market value) of the entire borrowed asset is sold at a discount to the liquidator to repay a part of the debt.


● Total borrowing capacity: the total amount of stablecoin that customers are permitted to borrow

● Risk factor: indicates the safety of your deposited asset vs borrowed assets; the greater the risk factor, the more risky your loan. When the risk factor hits 100 percent, the loan will be repaid.

● Loan to Value Ratio: the proportion of how much consumers have borrowed relative to the value of their deposited asset.

The aforementioned statistics are computed in detail as follows:

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KLS Token

Kulfi Token Pre Seed Sale

Interested early adopters can visit Kulfi token sale page to Acquire KLS tokens at the cheapest price before it gets listed on exchanges here https://kulfifinance.io/buy

KLS Token Statistics:
➣ 1 ADA = 200 $KLS Tokens
➣ Pre Seed sales allocation: 70,000,000
➣ Minimum buy: 350 ADA

The KLS Token

Verify KLS token on Pool.pm: ​https://pool.pm/asset1d8u7d0l76pfuy672998rzd94mqv0naxp8r3nkv

The KLS token administers the Kulfi protocol. Holders of KLS may propose, vote on, and execute modifications to the Kulfi system’s settings and smart contracts. Each KLS holder receives one vote per KLS held.

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KLS Holder Responsibilities

KLS holders will be responsible for administering the Kulfi on-chain treasury, defining risk and collateralization guidelines, and voting on any proposed Kulfi smart contract upgrades. Here is a brief, non-exhaustive list of items on which KLS holders must propose and vote:
– Determining liquidity charges and collateral haircuts
– Implementing new collateral kinds
– Enabling new maturities for lending and borrowing various assets
– Proposing and assessing protocol enhancements

KLS Token Allocation

The team is mainly concerned with the sustainability of Kulfi financing and the environment they are constructing. For any credible project that is constructing a huge network with a microeconomy, tokenomics and the token’s utility should always be the primary emphasis and the subject of thorough consideration.

At Kulfi finance, this drives the choices that their very experienced staff and partners believe are optimal for establishing a sustainable and scalable Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) firm and everything associated with it.

Check out $KLS token distribution below:
– Token Name: Kulfi Finance
– Ticker: KLS
– Verify Asset on Pool.pm ​https://pool.pm/asset1d8u7d0l76pfuy672998rzd94mqv0naxp8r3nkv
– Total Supply: 1,000,000,000


Advisors 3% 30,000,000 10% at TGE, 10% Linear release monthly for 9 months
Pre Seed 7% 70,000,000
Seed Sale 15% 150,000,000
Pre-Sale 20% 200,000,000
Strategic Partnership 7% 70,000,000
Public Sale 25% 250,000,000​
Treasury 10% 100,000,000
Community Building 3% 30,000,000
Staking & Yield Farming 10% 100,000,000

KLS Token Utilities

For the benefit of the active and expanding community, it is important to outline the numerous ways in which KLS tokens can be utilized within the kulfi ecosystem and beyond. The Kulfi team has developed a plethora of income streams that will generously reward all KLS token holders in order to ensure the ecosystem’s substantial growth.

– Governance: The KLS token will play a significant part in the protocol’s governance. Token holders will have the ability to vote on future protocol proposals. Your Holding grants you voting power. The greater your position, the more influential your vote. The DAO will direct the execution of certain treasury tactics and the distribution of donations from the charitable fund.

– Obtain Grant for Kulfi Borrowers: Each borrower must own a minimum amount of KLS tokens in order to access loans from the Kulfi KPool. (The quantity of KLS tokens to be retained would be determined by the DAO.)

– Transaction Fees: KLS tokens may be used to pay transaction fees in the Kulfi Ecosystem.

– KLS Staking: KLS token holders have the option to stake their tokens and earn up to 20% APY; they may also desire to increase their profits by using Kulfi NFT.

– Transaction Fees Redistribution: KLS token holders are entitled to 50% of revenues produced from all KLS token-based transactions on the Kulfi platform.

– Rewards: Providers of liquidity will earn KLS tokens as compensation. They have created a system to provide prizes without depleting the market supply of KLS.

– Future involvement in the Kulfi ecosystem: The KLS token will play a crucial part in the expansion of the Kulfi ecosystem; specific utilities will be disclosed when new goods and services are released.

Token Ecosystem

● KLS Token – This is the native token of the ecosystem, and it will serve as the engine of the kulfi Finance ecosystem. The KLS token grants access to the Kulfi Finance loan pool, staking, and DEX transaction fees to the top KLS token holders.

● Native Cardano assets: As collateral, Kulfi Finance will accept Cardano native tokens and NFTs.

● Stablecoins: Kulfi Finance would employ Cardano stable coins as the loan instrument a borrower would get in exchange for -VE Wtoken collateral.

● Wtokens – Wrapped tokens are transferable tokens that indicate a claim on a future positive or negative cash flow.

● pTokens – principle tokens are Cardano native assets redeemable for a percentage of Kulfi’s total liquidity in a particular currency across all active maturities. They are the main means by which users offer liquidity to Kulfi.

Why Implement Cardano

Cardano, like other blockchains, offers various benefits. It is scalable, quick, and has cheap transaction costs that may be paid using the token that was transferred. Although blockchains like Ethereum are more widely used than Cardano, the Kulfi team believes that the Cardano Blockchain has the potential to attract developers and new investors, which will accelerate its adoption in the near future. Moreover, Cardano features a layered blockchain architecture consisting of two primary components, the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) and Cardano Computational Layer (CCL), which makes it genuinely unique. The majority of current blockchain systems only feature a single layer, which results in scalability concerns, network congestion, slowed transactions, and increased network fees. Approximately 15 transactions are processed each second on the Ethereum blockchain (TPS). This little number of TPS causes the network to become sluggish and crowded in a short period of time. Cardano, on the other hand, lacks these scaling problems. According to simulations, each “Hydra head” of the Cardano network can presently handle around one thousand transactions per second. This may be paired with one thousand stacking pools, each of which processes one thousand transactions per second. As a result, Cardano might reach up to 1 million transactions per second, making it very efficient at performing transactions with a negligible network charge.

Meet Kulfi Finance Team & Advisors

Founding team

Whether it’s climate research, cyber security, finance, blockchain, energy, or SaaS, the knowledge of the founding team encompasses a vast array of industries. This range of viewpoints and experiences enables them to push the limits of energy innovation and design a system that reimagines how clean energy may work on a global and local scale.

➤ Executive Director & Founder: Jordan Max

Nearly thirteen years ago, Jordan began working in climate and energy technology innovation, assisting institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the private sector to enhance clean energy investment and innovation.

Jordan has a PhD in carbon finance from Oxford University and has served as a visiting researcher at Stanford and UC Berkeley. He has written articles on climate change solutions and technology in magazines of international reputation.

➤ Director and Co-Founder: Eric Powell

Eric has over 10 years of worldwide and local experience working for and with prominent Australian institutions, mainly in the field of Financial Services Technology.

This job included group education, evangelizing of technological potential and dangers, the creation of commercial prospects, and the contribution, establishment, and execution of several Blockchain-related experiments, Proofs of Concept, Pilots, collaborations, and partnerships.

➤ Louis Ryman: Chief Technical Advisor

The primary study areas of Louis Ryman are high-temperature superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect. In 1993, Louis Ryman joined the Stanford faculty. Additionally, he has dual positions in the departments of applied physics and electrical engineering.

Currently, Professor Zhang is heavily invested in blockchain technology and often provides his significant observations on the business.

➤ Blockchain Developer: Steven Trogdon

Steven has spent the last seven years in the blockchain industry. During this period, he has collaborated with prominent blockchain organizations.

➤ Marketing manager: Anna Tucker

Anna, a dedicated and active leader in the Blockchain community both locally and internationally, has led a number of Blockchain Melbourne meetings, spoken at the Blockchain Summit 2017/2018 and Blockchain APAC Summit 2018, and participated on a number of Blockchain panels. Anna has also been asked to deliver Blockchain Technology seminars in Dubai, Malaysia, and India.

➤ Product Manager: Brian Jackson

In 2015, Brian co-hosted the first Blockchain Developers Meetup in Melbourne, Australia, and in 2018, he served on the advisory board for the second annual APAC Blockchain conference.

The bulk of Brian’s career has been spent in national telecommunications networks, while the last three years have been spent on cyber security. Prior to this, he was involved in robots, autonomous vehicles, and ROVs (remote operated submarines).

➤ Lead Developer: Amy Fulton

Amy is an experienced product leader who specializes in the creation of corporate visions and strategies. Product strategy, IoT technologies, and ongoing discovery are among Amy’s areas of expertise.

➤ Community Manager: Karen Hardy

Amy is an experienced product leader who specializes in the creation of corporate visions and strategies. Amon Karne brings to Kulfi finance a plethora of experience in community management and project execution from his work with early-stage firms. Karen has a love for doing good for others and launched an intriguing initiative. Product strategy, IoT technologies, and continuous discovery are Amy’s specialities.

➤ Lead Developer: David Fish

David is an expert in ecosystem development, circular crypto-economies, and strategic vision. These are the key individuals behind the project; I hope you liked learning about them.

➤ Operations Manager: Dhimas Satrio

Dhimas’s experience is in the cryptocurrency field, and he published an article on global cryptocurrency regulation in a legal publication in 2017.

Dhimas is thrilled to join the Kulfi project as Head of Operations, and he looks forward to contributing to the Kulfi adventure as it continues to evolve and enters the adoption phase.

Meet Their New Advisors

As Kulfi continues to expand, they have recruited seasoned veterans from the finance and technological industries to oversee the project’s continuous success.

➤ Manolis Kyriacou: Technical Advisor

Manolis has facilitated over $150 million in equity raising and token sales from leading VCs in rounds ranging from $2 to $30 million. He has held significant roles at Google, McKinsey, and Microsoft, among others.

➤ Marketing Advisor: Helen Saucer

Helen, who resides in Seattle, Washington, is a venture capitalist and serial entrepreneur. Helen has cultivated a vast network of investors and entrepreneurs via her seven years of expertise in the technology and finance industries. Helen is acknowledged as a leader in the Seattle technology community.

Business Development Advisor: Lovetta Fairchild

Lovetta focuses on investments in the education sector, TMT, high-tech, and other related industries. He has led blockchain-related investing ventures.


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As Kulfi Finance is a project with many incredible use cases and utilities, they will be implemented in stages. Detailed below are the project roadmap and anticipated outcomes.

2022 Q3
Website Design
Idea generation and refinement Market research
Recruitment of the team
Creation of the Kulfi Whitepaper
Strategic partnerships
KLS Pre Seed Round
Develop Kulfi Staking Platform

​2022 Q4
KLS Seed Round
Launch Kulfi DAO
Developing and Deploying DEX & loan contract on Testnet
Kulfi Liquidity Vault Public Testnet
KLS Pre Sale
Kulfi Developer’s Academy
Internal Smart Contract Audit
KLS Public Sale & Exchange Listing

2023 Q1
Lending & Borrowing Mainnet
Multi chain Integration

​2023 Q2
Bank partner onboarding and due diligence
Kulfi Finance Wallet UI/UX development
Wallet for Cardano’s network currencies
Mobile APP development
Further Development of Kulfi Finance

​2023 Q3
Launch Kulfi Finance V2


Why does Kulfi matter?

Fixed-rate financing is the method through which financial markets function. Fixed interest rates offer market players with confidence and reduce risk, which is why the bulk of U.S. debt is issued at fixed rates. Kulfi introduces fixed interest rates to Cardano’s decentralized financial system, giving crypto users the same access to steady finance.

Why is KLS significant?

KLS is the native currency of the Kulfi economy. The possession of a fraction of this coin grants holders access to the Kulfi liquidity pool. This flexibility introduces a new dimension to Cardano’s financial design space.

Why is Wtoken essential?

Wtokens provide a simple and trustworthy method for Kulfi users to commit to future value transfers at certain times. Trading Wtokens enables users to easily transfer value over time. This flexibility introduces a new dimension to Cardano’s financial design space.

Who designed Kulfi?

A group of Crypto stakeholders with skills in technology, trade, security, and design founded Kulfi in early 2022.

How is Kulfi administered?

Kulfi Finance is regulated by the holders of KLS tokens. Following the introduction of the protocol, the Kulfi Team will give analysis and parameter suggestions for a brief period of time. As protocol decentralization increases, the Kulfi Team will withdraw from protocol governance.

Is lending the same as liquidity provision?

No. Lenders exchange cash for Wtoken and get a predetermined rate of interest. Providers of liquidity capitalize Kulfi liquidity pools and earn varying trading fees. When a lender loans or a borrower borrows, a transaction fee is paid to liquidity providers in the pool. Similar to Uniswap liquidity pools, Kulfi liquidity pools consist of buyers, sellers, and liquidity providers that support trade. In the case of Kulfi, purchasers and vendors correspond to lenders and borrowers. Providers of liquidity assist lending and borrowing in exchange for transaction fees.

Exists a prepayment penalty if I pay off my loan early?

You are free to terminate your loan at any moment without penalty. When you return a loan, you must reimburse both the principle and any outstanding interest. In addition, you pay down the remaining balance of your loan at the current interest rate. Variations in the prevalent interest rate might impact the amount of money you earn if you decide to close your trade early. You may conceive of loan repayment as the execution of an offsetting loan.


The token mechanisms are designed such that there are several factors that affect the value of tokens. Beginning with increasing transactions and continual onboarding of new customers, they begin to increase the utility and demand for their token. With this kind of help to the token’s velocity and its usage in crypto trading, the token may attain its actual inherent value. With the increasing usage of the token by companies on the platform, they effectively minimize price risk relative to the dollar for all holders, establishing a comfortable basis from which they may expect, after price discovery on exchanges, that the Kulfi cryptocurrency will not go below.

This also establishes the investment criteria for traders to purchase $KLS tokens with the knowledge that, as the project develops, the tokens will ultimately hit specific support levels where there is no downside.

We recommend the reader to do independent research before deciding whether to invest in Kulfi.

Learn more on Kulfi Finance 

Join KLS Pre Seed: https://kulfifinance.io/buy
Website: https://kulfifinance.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kulfi_finance
GitHub: https://github.com/KulfiFinance
Telegram: https://t.me/+rphyUBMegsU3ZTI0
Discord: https://discord.gg/fzsa8ynF97
Medium: https://medium.com/@Kulfi_finance
Gitbook: https://kulfi.gitbook.io/kulfi-finance-3/


Opinions stated on CoinWire.com do not constitute investment advice. Before making any high-risk investments in cryptocurrency, or digital assets, investors should conduct extensive research. Please be aware that any transfers and transactions are entirely at your own risk, and any losses you may experience are entirely your own. CoinWire.com does not encourage the purchase or sale of any cryptocurrencies or digital assets, and it is not an investment advisor. Please be aware that CoinWire.com engages in affiliate marketing.