Kusama Submits Motion 438, Sets Year-Round Parachain Auctions

Kusama Submits Motion 438 Sets Year Round Parachain Auctions
  • Kusama network has officially passed motion 438.
  • Parachain auctions are now set for the rest of the year.
  • KSM remains competitive despite market depression.

Kusama network has officially passed motion 438. In detail, parachain auctions are now set for the rest of the year. This is the result of the discussion made by various teams in the network.

TL;DR auctions will occur roughly every 100,800 blocks (every 7 days) until January 2023.

Furthermore, motion 430 aims to vote for an amended version of the call design. The changes include several things. First, leaving what is scheduled in LP20 for LP21 (currently on dispatch queue with Id: Auctlp21)—second, deleting the replacement on the proposed design above for the batch Id Auctlp21, leaving the original one.

Last but not least, deleting the 2 extra calls on LP21 for LP21: leaving 5 auctions for LP21 instead of 8. This will eliminate the need to renew every upcoming LP and allow more projects to catch up on development.

The amended call design will schedule:

● 6 auctions on LP21 for LP22
● 6 auctions on LP22 for LP23
● 5 auctions on LP23: 2 for LP23 and 3 for LP24
● 6 auctions on LP24: 3 for LP24 and 3 for LP25
● 6 auctions on LP25: 3 for LP25 and 3 for LP26
● 3 auctions for LP26, to onboard on LP26

All of these will be scheduled until January 2023.

On the other hand, Kusama (KSM) is one of the cryptos that remains competitive despite the current market depression. At the time of writing, KSM trades at a decent price of $131 per crypto with a market capitalization of almost $1.2 billion. This market performance of the crypto made it one of the top 100 cryptos in CoinGecko.