Large-Scale Metaverse: Cardania Launches on KICK.IO Starting February 15

Large Scale Metaverse Cardania Launches on KICK.IO Starting February 15




As individuals seek highly engaging online experiences, the social aspect of games is becoming a bigger draw and a crucial selling feature. The social aspect of MMOs like World of Warcraft, Everquest, and Second Life contributes to their appeal. Market analysts predict that the next generation of games, metaverses, will see even more user growth.

Cardania ($RAD), a large-scale metaverse built on the Cardano blockchain that will shortly be holding its public sale on KICK.IO, is at the forefront of this trend. Cardania is on a mission to create a functional metaverse economy that combines play-to-earn mechanics with a fun, participatory, and rewarding gaming experience. The RAD token is the lifeblood of the gaming ecosystem’s economy, and you can now own a piece of it as it expands!

Cardania uses NFT and token technologies to see how creative gaming concepts might be maximized. The storey is set in the hypothetical Sol System megastructure, an ancient and majestic world that is a living testimony to humanity’s resilience in a chaotic universe. The Summoning Pool [SUMN], a mythical interdimensional doorway and an infinite source of energy (also a Cardano stakepool! ), summons monsters and teleports Cardania’s residents to new exotic locations at random, sending them on adventures they never expected.

Public sale on KICK.IO

Cardania’s priority IDO round will begin at 15:00 UTC on February 15 and last for 24 hours, before being opened to the general public on February 16 at 15:00 UTC. According to projections, there will be a lot of investment interest, so make a note of the dates! In a nutshell, today’s games are a one-way street.

Tokens are offered only for jurisdictions where such activity is legal and appropriately regulated.




IDO Details

  • Ticker: RAD
  • KYC: Yes
  • Payment options: ADA

Priority Public Sale (24 hours before)

  • Price: 0.0011 ADA
  • Start: February 15 15:00 UTC
  • End: February 16 15:00 UTC
  • Requirement to purchase: 10,000 KICK staked in a locked pool
  • Requirement to endorse: 25,000 KICK staked in a locked pool

Public Sale

  • Price: 0.0012 ADA
  • Start: February 16 15:00 UTC
  • End: February 19 15:00 UTC
  • Requirement to endorse: 25,000 KICK staked in a locked pool.

Tokens are offered only for jurisdictions where such activity is legal and appropriately regulated.