Legal Action Filed Against Shaquille O’Neal for Involvement in Solana NFT Activity

Legal Action Filed Against Shaquille O’Neal for Involvement in Solana NFT Activity

Filing Allegations and Appointment of Lead Plaintiffs

Shaquille O’Neal is facing legal repercussions for alleged violations related to offers of Solana-based assets and associated tokens. The case, spanning 111 pages, gained momentum after a district judge in Florida appointed the lead plaintiffs last month, who are being represented by counsel from the Moskowitz law firm.

According to managing partner Adam Moskowitz, this appointment signifies a significant development. He stated, “This is a very big advancement because it highlights that they run the show for all the investors and they have selected us to be class counsel.”

Moskowitz Firm’s Involvement and O’Neal’s Connection with Astrals

The Moskowitz law firm is actively involved in various crypto-related class action lawsuits, including the collapsed firms Voyager and FTX. The recent complaint against O’Neal alleges his clear involvement with the Solana-based NFT project, Astrals. Moskowitz revealed that O’Neal’s participation in Astrals extended to regular interactions, emphasizing personal involvement with the project.

The lawsuit contends that O’Neal’s association with Astrals significantly influenced the project’s value, leveraging his celebrity status. However, after the FTX incident in November, O’Neal reportedly distanced himself from the Astrals community. His last post in the Astral Discord community, featuring a GIF from “The Wolf of Wall Street” with the phrase “I’m not leaving,” marks his apparent departure from Astrals.

About Astrals: Solana-Based NFT Project

Astrals is a Solana blockchain-based NFT project featuring 10,000 unique 3D avatars. The community-driven project offers play-to-earn role-playing games, as outlined in the project’s whitepaper.

Legal Proceedings and O’Neal’s Defense

O’Neal’s lawyers had previously argued that the digital assets in question were intended for gamers and not investors, requesting the lawsuit’s dismissal. However, the court denied this motion. O’Neal has been given until September 29 to respond to the allegations.


Shaquille O’Neal’s legal battle underscores the complexities of digital asset investments. The lawsuit sheds light on his involvement with the Solana-based NFT project, Astrals, and its subsequent impact. As the case unfolds, it will provide insights into the intersection of celebrity endorsements and cryptocurrency projects.