The instant multi-currency exchange platform LetsExchange has enabled crypto traders and investors to swap around 350 coins and tokens for MATIC using multiple networks.
As part of the platform’s recent update, LetsExchange ensured the support of additional networks and cryptocurrencies available for instant exchange without registration and KYC. The MATIC token is now available on LetsExchange on its native Polygon PoS chain as well as in the Ethereum network and on Binance Smart Chain. Users can choose any of these networks to both send and receive their tokens.
This advancement makes it easier for millions of Polygon supporters around the world to purchase MATIC with other cryptocurrencies securely and privately, without disclosing their personal information. With around 350 coins and tokens listed on LetsExchange, every crypto user has an opportunity to invest in MATIC using this exchange platform and join Polygon’s ever-expanding community.
By providing cost- and energy-efficient Ethereum scaling solutions, Polygon has built a massive ecosystem for DeFi projects to thrive on the platform’s high transaction speed and low fees. With its support of the Polygon chain, LetsExchange paves the way for the addition of the Polygon ecosystem tokens to this exchange in the near future.
About Polygon
Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 7000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.
If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! Leverage Polygon’s fast and secure txns for your dApp, get started here.
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About LetsExchange is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. With hassle-free access, a user-friendly interface, and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time and money at each step of the exchange process. With a set of ready-made B2B solutions, LetsExchange has built a global ecosystem for seamless and effortless crypto swaps accessible through multiple platforms such as crypto wallets, exchange aggregators, media outlets, and others.
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