Cryptocurrency exchange service LetsExchange has expanded its B2B toolset to facilitate the global spread of instant crypto swap functionality across numerous platforms. This ecosystem enables crypto users to exchange their digital assets without restrictions through the interface of exchange aggregators, cryptocurrency wallets, and even media outlets of their choice.
With the addition of new B2B features, crypto news media, data aggregators, and similar crypto-related platforms can generate affiliate income by integrating customizable exchange buttons as well as exchange widgets installed with a few mouse clicks.
Highly beneficial for crypto businesses, these features also boost the availability of seamless swaps for cryptocurrency users. While exchange buttons lead users to the LetsExchange website, exchange widgets allow them to utilize the same crypto swap functionality right on a third-party platform, be it a news media outlet, a crypto screener, or any other website.
Along with these opportunities, the LetsExchange Affiliate Program also offers crypto businesses an API that allows for the full-fledged integration of a cryptocurrency exchange service powered by LetsExchange on websites and apps. Bloggers, influencers, and crypto news sites can also join this ecosystem and generate revenue streams by using referral links.
Multiple players in the crypto space have welcomed and embraced the above solutions. Most recently, Trustee Wallet has expanded its built-in exchange capability through integration with LetsExchange.This allowed the wallet to double its number of supported cryptocurrencies as LetsExchange lists over 260 coins and tokens.
Crypto enthusiasts and traders can also swap cryptocurrencies through LetsExchange on multiple exchange aggregators such as Swapzone, SwapSpace, or Alligat0r.
The growth of the crypto exchange ecosystem powered by LetsExchange is accelerated by its approachability and security. Users don’t need to sign up and verify their identity in order to exchange coins. Swaps are performed through secure on-chain transactions that can be easily tracked through block explorers. LetsExchange automatically selects the best rates available across its broad liquidity pool. All this makes the exchange process simple, traceable, and reliable.
With these distinct features, B2B tools, and an ever-expanding range of partnerships, LetsExchange has created a diverse ecosystem where users can swap coins easily, anonymously, and safely. The big winners are the thousands of traders and investors transacting on the above-mentioned platforms.
About LetsExchange is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. With hassle-free access, a user-friendly interface, and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time at each step of the exchange process to help them get the most out of every crypto swap.