Livestream AMA with NoNameCharli recap

BSC Daily AMA 1350 × 900 px 9 is thrilled to host a Livestream Ask Me Anything with NoNameCharli

👉NoNameCharli is a meme NFT collection, started by a group of Web3 enthusiasts from 14 to 20 years of age with incredible creativity, who wants to bring together the blockchain community and spread awareness of this crypto, NFTs, web3 thing we all know and love! As for the collection, it reflects a personal journey through the crypto/blockchain world, but it is also a piece of everyone’s journey, hence the name “NoNameCharli“. We are Charli and so are you!

Guest speakers:

  • Ms. Jiye Choi: Project Manager
  • Mr. Sterling: Lead Creative Director

NoNameCharli’s Links:

NFTDaily’s Links: