Meet Doozie Token – Personalized User Rewards Ecosystem Powered by AI and Blockchain

Meet Doozie Token – Personalized User Rewards Ecosystem Powered by AI and Blockchain




Doozie Token (DZT) is a blockchain-based rewards platform that empowers organizations to launch their own personalized rewards programs and gives users many options to redeem their rewards.

The Doozie Token sparks a shift in how organizations engage with their users to offer personalized rewards. Traditional reward programs are limited to points for action and neither consider user needs. There are fewer options to redeem rewards, resulting in less user engagement and low redemptions. It also takes away the freedom from users to spend their reward wherever they like.

DZT connects organizations, contributors, and users to create harmony and maximize user satisfaction and brand loyalty. Users and contributors receive DZT for fulfilling personalized offers given by partner organizations on the platform.

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Unlike traditional reward programs that only focus on points for purchase, users benefit from personalized rewards that are relevant to them. Rewards are available immediately and are redeemable for merchandise via the Doozie app. Users can also convert their tokens to other currencies like BTC, ETH, USD, etc. There are no confusing points or rebate programs – just DZT rewards that you can exchange for anything you want.

By giving users unlimited options to redeem DZT rewards, the Doozie platform aims to boost the redemption rate and encourage more engagement with the organization’s ecosystem. Besides, users can redeem their tokens anytime since the rewards never expire.




Organizations use DZT tokens to access the features and functionality of the Gigalogy AI platform, which is designed to ensure personalized offers for end-users. With a few lines of code, organizations can integrate the DZT ecosystem into their product. Once integrated, organizations can create offers on Doozie and attach DZT on every action of an offer to incentivize users.

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Capabilities of the Doozie Platform

  • Organizations will be able to deploy an AI-powered loyalty and rewards ecosystem that leverages blockchain to engage and reward users for profitable behavior. Users can opt-in and engage with organizations while maintaining full control over their data.
  • Users will receive Doozie Token in return for fulfilling offers, such as purchasing items, completing surveys, watching videos, or checking into specific locations to participate in marketing campaigns.
  • Contributors will earn Doozie Token each time a partner organization subscribes to their published solutions. Get paid for generating value in the organization ecosystem.
  • Organizations can utilize the Gigalogy AI platform for creating fully automated personalized offers to avoid changing consumer behavior and maintain brand awareness. Organizations will also receive direct, real-time access to users and can reward the right users for their engagement.
  • The Doozie app will give users the ability to spend on valuable goods, services, and personalized experiences.
  • Users will be able to deposit their DZT tokens into a liquidity pool to earn profits and yields.

Built on the Stellar Blockchain

Doozie Token runs on Stellar, an open-source network for cryptocurrencies and payments. Stellar is much faster, cheaper, and more energy-efficient than other blockchain platforms. The team chose Stellar blockchain for several reasons.

  • Quick settlement: 3-5 seconds for a token holder to send the token to someone else.
  • Cheap transactions that make Stellar suitable for payments.
  • Built-in exchange with any other token, asset, or currency in the network.
  • Optionally control who can hold DZT tokens.
  • Ability to do voting, dividends, or awards all in the same network.
  • Unify how exchanges and others can deal with other tokens. If an exchange supports Stellar, then it can easily list DZT tokens.

Choice of Stellar also underlines the team’s pioneering spirit and boldness. The DZT tokens will soon be listed on popular exchanges after the IDO.

To learn more about Doozie Token including the IDO token sale date, visit their website. Subscribe to the DZT Discord Server to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and announcements.