Meet the new NFT project that is going to change the known world of art: The Nifty Way Galaxy Project.


This project is composed of a new species of aliens that love the human race and want to act and look like them. They reward their owners with exclusive content, merchandise and more.

A group of experts in different areas develops this world: design, cryptocurrencies, management, marketing and web design that includes programmers, backend and frontend web developers, graphic designers, illustrators, content creators, creatives, and social media experts. They have previous experience working on this matter. They are a group of 30 people that have the skills needed to create that rare and unique art collection of NFTs.

The universe they created is named The Nifty Way Galaxy Project, conformed of Nifties, the aliens of the galaxy. These aliens are specials because they are a society that has been watching the human race since years ago, and they are attracted by their behavior and their look, that is the reason why the dressed and act like humans. It is a world with 10,000 aliens that imitate the humans very well, but they also look very different between them, they have different characteristics and clothes, each one of them has a complete different thought about what fashion is, so it is detailed in the designs. They are detailed pieces of art. Each of the works of art features an extraterrestrial, cartoon-style design.

However, those are not the unique things that makes them special. The owners of these tokes will be rewarded with limited-rare NFT collections and merchandise, surprise airdrops, engaging and interactive activities, mystery quests, ETH prizes and more exciting perks of ownership. The company launched the initial Nifties at 0.07 ETH with a second wave available at 0.09 ETH after those are sold.

The project has great growth in Latin American community, but aims to grow around the world. It is important to know that an algorithm randomly selects and generates each token and sorts all the traits based on rarity statistical probabilities and restrictions, this ensures the exclusivity of each Niftie.

Since the receptivity of this collection has been very positive, the team is studying to create a new collection with the same Nifties but with new updates, such as 3D designs. Currently, they are studying to add this collection to the Metaverse in order to keep growing and satisfying more and more NFT enthusiasts.

Anyone is capable of having a rare and unique Niftie through the most known wallets: Metamask and Binance, using Ethereum and Tether.

To know more about The Nifty Way Galaxy Project, visit:

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