Messier.Art CEO: “We Are Building an NFT Marketplace Out of Pure Passion”

Messier Art CEO We Are Building an NFT Marketplace Out of Pure Passion 1

Messier.Art is a cutting-edge NFT trading, staking, and collaboration hub for digital artists and collectors. The platform went live on March 1, 2022, with the goal of bringing together artists, collectors, media partners, sponsors, and more in an integrated ecosystem that comes with new, innovative services and features not yet seen in today’s NFT marketplaces.

To learn more about some of these services and features – such as lower trading fees, yield generation from NFTs, token airdrops, and more – we caught up with Messier’s CEO Mr. Dylan for an in-depth conversation on the Messier roadmap and mission, as well as his outlook  for the NFT, digital art, and crypto/blockchain spaces as a whole.

Why is Messier building an NFT marketplace?

Messier is building an NFT marketplace out of pure passion. We feel like the gap between digital and physical art is too large, and needs a big player to help close that gap. We’re doing that by delivering an extremely intuitive user interface, dozens of years of experience and a very well thought out roadmap.

How does Messier’s platform lower NFT trading fees?

Messier will utilize a fee system that is all about the artists and communities that use the platform. With every trade that is made, the user is building his account up to a lower trading fee. Likewise with communities, every NFT that is traded within a collection will help bring the fees down for every NFT within that collection. Please look at this article for the full breakdown of our fee structure.

What are Validator rewards?

Validator rewards are rewards that are given for people that are actively contributing to the growth of the Terra ecosystem. You can delegate your LUNA to a validator and earn LUNA in return. For a more detailed explanation on validators, view this article

How do Validator rewards help artists and collectors?

Messier plans to use its validator rewards to once again give back to the community. Except for a small portion to help maintain the validator, all rewards will be used to buy art from artists that are using the platform. We are currently discussing if we should do this through a DAO type system, or centralize it to avoid favoritism.

What is collection minting?

Collection minting is a situation where an artist has created 10, 100, 1000, … pieces of art and is now allowing users to “mint” these via a lottery type system. You buy one, but you don’t know which one. We could probably write an in-depth article about this alone, but we encourage users to jump in our discord if there are any more questions. 

Can collectors use Tether (UST) to buy NFTs on Messier.Art’s marketplace?

Users can use the native currencies of the Terra blockchain to transact on our platform. That would be UST and LUNA. We will be launching our own token soon, which users will also be able to transact with, but with reduced trading fees!

 Will Messier.Art pay artists in Tether (UST)?

Artists will be paid in whatever currency they have listed their artwork for. Fiat payments to verified artists is something we are considering. To know how that is going to look and function, you’ll have to keep an eye on our socials!