Metaverse-DAO AMA recap

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Cryptodaily Admin: Good day to you all! And thank you everyone for tuning in today’s AMA with metaverse-DAO and BSCDaily 🤩 Today I’m joined by Timmy and Bruce from the Metaverse-DAO

Timmy: Hello everyone, I’m Timmy, the founder of Metaverse-DAO, and I’m here today with our game designer and marketing team.

Let’s say hi to everyone😀

Bruce: Thank you, everything is fine.👌You are so cozy here 🙂

Cryptodaily Admin: Thank you guys for the warm introduction! Shout out to the marketing team for being here too! So yeah, Timmy is the Founder of Metaverse-DAo, what about you Bruce? Do you want to introduce yourself as well?

Bruce: I’m GD of Metaverse-DAO, responsible for gameplay, balance, story background, etc. glad to see everyone.

Cryptodaily Admin: ah man pretty much everything 😂 Ok so let’s begin today’s AMA with Metaverse-DAO with some introductory questions about the Team. We knew about Timmy and Bruce, but what about the others?

Q1. How many members does your team have? Can you tell us about their roles? Do you have a background in crypto, games?

Timmy: OK, let me introduce the team: There are 18 main members of the team

Including a 3D game development group of 12 members (2 battle engineers, 2 system engineers, 2  modelers, 1 painting, 1 numerical planning, 1 game system designer, 1 producer, 2 QA), 2 contract developers, 1 media, 2 marketing, 1 writer. The smart contract and NFT team is from North America, and the game production and operation team is from Southeast Asia. Team members come from a number of well-known gaming companies, we are experinced in game designing, creation and development. Prior to this, we have successfully developed some online games in web 2.0. The team has completed the planning, building framework of game engine, numerical structure, tokenomics, and creation of original paintings for the game ModernPUBG already

Cryptodaily Admin: Seems like a solid team you have assembled there 👀 So the Team has been working together for previous projects as well and not newly recruited? I guess there must be some new recruits, but it’s fine, the core members are there, sharing the same vision

Timmy: I think so, thank you so much😀 Really strong team. We’ve built a brand new project, which we will introduce today. 

Cryptodaily Admin: So let’s move on to the Metaverse-DAO project itself!

Q2. Please give us an overview of your project, namely what are you trying to achieve?

Timmy: Sure, it’s a game, this is what we always want to talk about in any AMA 🙂

The game’s name is ModernPUBG. It is a large 3D shooting game, based on the Unity3D engine, and has complete real physical collisions throughout the game  such as being hit by a vehicle will cause injury, inertia, explosions will have shock wave boost, bombs and weapons can also destroy the doors of buildings, greenery, cars, etc. 

and in version 1.0, there will be 13 characters and 44 weapons. Assets are divided into four categories: avatars (characters), weapons, chests, and badges, which are all NFTs.

The game is a real-time battle type, it is not turn-based. This is what the team decided from the beginning, to ensure the game performance is more appropriate, and players are more engaged in the game process.

Numerous anonymous players are randomly dropped into random spots in the “Modern City”. Just like in real life, the players start with nothing. Various weapons, props, and other players are hidden everywhere in the city. The weapons and props picked up in the battle are free! What you need to do is to find more weapons and props, use them wisely, then fight against other players, and try to be the last man standing. The “Modern City” will have safe and unsafe zones in the game. Safe zone within the city will shrink over time at random coordinates. Player’s HP will start to reduce continuously if the player is outside the safe zone. You can take advantage of this by choosing to bereave it out by killing onsite by following the shrinking safety zone or enter the zone ahead of other players and keep the incoming opponents out. In short, Do everything you can to live to the end. You can combat each game by using any weapons you can pick up in the city. Weapon could be Machete, UZI, AKM, M16A4, etc, shoot with firearms, blow up opponents with grenades, burn opponents with Molotov cocktails, chop opponents with machetes, KO opponents with fists after running out of ammunition or even knock down opponents with vehicles. 

You can take a moment to consult the game whitepaper, and you will be able to understand every detail of the game in more detail:

If the text is not intuitive enough, we have also made a promotional video for the game, please watch:

Regarding Metaverse-DAO, I would like to introduce the connection between it and the game. But as this is a lot to type out I’ll copy/paste from our whitepaper. That explains a lot in detail and saves me from typing it all out.

Metaverse-DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization, management of decentralized network based games, NFTs, and other projects. Our mission is to build a strong virtual world, create really fun games, and manage all the projects and assets with the community, allowing the community members to share the profits. We hope to combine NFT and great mechanisms to the sustainable game economy, including play to earn. In developing decentralized online games, we believe it is important to allow players to gain profit. It is also important for R&D team to keep developing games that players would enjoy playing, otherwise it will not be able to generate sustained value under the terms of decentralization. Building good games is essential.

The team will continuously keep developing more games, more NFTs and keep managing these assets, and let players can also be part of the game creation and vote on community and project management to achieve effective governance (DAO), and empower the metaverse. We strongly believe that the impact of the decentralized virtual economy on the world will become unimaginably huge over time, and we are happy to be a part of the metaverse world and witness its evolution with supporters.

We will release 2 games every year for Metaverse-DAO.

Cryptodaily Admin: First of all, the game trailer is looking 🔥🔥🔥I’m also a fan of this genre too, the graphics, in-game physics,… And also, this is just the first game among many more offered by Metaverse-DAO

Timmy: Yes, we all love competition😂And yes, 2 games are released every year, that’s our plan

Bruce: Fascinating, isn’t it?

Cryptodaily Admin: Indeed, very promising I tell you that

Q3. Are those games going to be original? Or are they already developed, playable games and you just integrate blockchain elements into?

Timmy: Yes, each of our games are original. And we bring blockchain technology into them. We also do not rule out that there are other excellent game teams join Metaverse-DAO, but they need to meet our requirements, such as being fun enough, original🤝

Bruce: 100% original💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Q4. There are many gamefi projects out there, some are good, some are not so much. As a professional, can you tell us more about what you think of the industry.

Bruce: Very good question, it involves some professional point of view. First of all, our team has also invested and participated in some other games. Most of the Gamefi have a common issue – The game economy will experience a large decline after a peak period. Because as the number of players increases at the beginning, more and more NFTs or tokens are generated. When there are not enough new players entering the game constantly afterwards, the economy will fall into a death spiral, which will cause heavy losses to players in the later stage. The rapid depreciation of NFT assets is usually caused by the fact that the game’s economic structure is too vertical, tokens are produced uncontrollably, most of the NFT are lack of scalability and overly flooding. We’re always on the lookout for everything in the industry, good and bad. At the same time, we spent a lot of time studying, and finally came up with an innovative balance mechanism. The team believes that it will greatly improve the game economy and experience, and it will be more sustainable. Actions include:

a. Enrich the structure level of game assets and NFT assets

b. Give NFT more uses with gameplay principles

c. Increase the extensibility of NFTs, establish interactions between NFTs, and make them affect games or battles

d. Based on the above methods, moderate recovery or even deflation of tokens and NFTs can be achieved to buffer or even eliminate selling pressure, and urge players to keep more assets in the game for the purpose of the game

It is recommended to read the whitepaper carefully, you will understand how it all works

We design games based on Eran while focusing on:

1. Playability

2. Sustainability

3. Sense of achievement

4. Competitive elements

Cryptodaily Admin: Very sharp point, I noticed you mentioned how important it is to create a fun game.

Q5: How did you do this? Everyone is looking forward to a fun game. Can you tell us about the highlights of your game?

Bruce: I’ll copy/paste from our whitepaper.😂 It does take a lot of work to be really interesting. ModernPUBG has been designed from multiple perspectives for this:

  • A wide variety of NFTs
  • A rich portfolio of assets and a reasonable structure, as well as a deflationary mechanism in order to make the economy more resistant to inflation and more sustainable.Different NFTs or props have unique effects. For example, rifles have a long range, submachine guns have a fast rate of fire, and bazooka, grenades, and smoke bombs. They can all bring different combat experiences to the game.
  • Full 3D representation. Based on Unity3D game engine development and cartoon style, the purpose is to achieve excellent and easy to play game visual effects.
  • Physical collision. A large number of real physical collisions, weapons, buildings, facilities, and interactions between props make the game more realistic and fun.For example, getting hit by a car can hurt, obstacles can be destroyed, doors can be smashed, in short, very real.
  • Real-time combat. The game can not be turn-based. Considering the characteristics of shooting games, a real-time system is a must, which ensures the continuity of the battle.
  • Exploration and Opportunity. The initial position of the character is at random. In order to win the battle, you need to try your best to explore every corner of the city to get more weapons and props that are beneficial to you, making the battle more suspenseful and exciting. Non-stop exploring and your luck are also part of the game. Constant discovery and luck are part of the game too.
  • Rich battle modes. ModernPUBG will have 4 game modes to meet the needs of different groups of people, namely: Survival Mode, Team Mode, Factions War, and City Defence War.They play differently.
  • Project governance. By holding NFT, players can participate in project proposals, voting, governance, and even modify the rules of the game, which is the spirit of decentralization.
  • Combination and expansion of private assets, a completely free economy. Version 2.0 introduces land and many types of private assets, so that players have a sense of achievement and customization space, so as to realize the economic activities of players participating in the entire game, or the sum of each player’s behavior is the game economy itself.This also increases the player’s sense of achievement.

Once again, I recommend watching the game video

Q6. When will the game be released? Could you please introduce the roadmap of the game?

Bruce: Right now, the NFT development of all props and the docking work between the contract and marketplace are in progress. This is an exciting job. The development progress is nearing its end and ModernPUBG is expected to be released around July.


Version 1.0 (survival space)

The first version of the game, include:

● Release assets: avatar, weapon, Genesis badge, Genesis blind box, avatar chest, weapon chest, token MPUBG, avatar fragments, weapon fragments, avatar military badge.

● Battle mode: Survival mode, including filter, weapon accessories and props in battle.

● Marketplace: NFT trade, fees, gifts, avatar upgrade, weapon repair.

Version 1.5 (war outbreak)

It will be the second version of the game, which include:

● Battle Mode: add team survival mode, faction war mode, and city defense battle.

● Marketplace: Avatar rental, weapon rental.

Version 2.0 (Land)

This will be the third version of the game, include:

● Game system: add land system, and the purchase, sale and gift of land.

● IOS and Android.

Version 2.5 (Free Economy)

This will be the third version of the game, include:

● New NFT assets: buildings, furniture, vehicles, pets, and the purchase, sale, and gift of these assets.

● Based on the combination of Land and private assets, we will have private shops, weapon shops, repair shops and other facilities, establish social attributes and a free economy.

●Community governance

Please read the whitepaper for details of each version:

Cryptodaily Admin: So you have talked a lot about the sustainability of your economic model. It’s time we talk about the token of Metaverse-DAO

Q7. What role does $METADAO play in your project? Also, please walk us through the token distribution of $METADAO

Bruce: It is the only settlement currency for the projects and trading game NFT. 

Use cases of the token METADAO: 

● METADAO as the ECO-token, all NFT of all games in the ecosystem (including ModernPUBG) traded on marketplace will be settled by METADAO. METADAO is required to purchase NFT and METADAO will be received after NFT is sold.

● Fees of trading NFT on Marketplace are settled by METADAO.

● The rewards of competitive competitions held by the game are settled by METADAO.

● All subsequent Dapp servers and game NFT transactions are settled by METADAO.

● By holding METADAO, 100% of the tax paid by any seller will be distributed in USDT.

● By holding METADAO, players are allowed to participate in the governance and voting of the project.

● Subscription, sponsorship fees are settled by METADAO.

● Production and sale of other virtual goods or services are settled in METADAO.

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Cryptodaily Admin: So you think using the single token model for Metaverse-DAO and all of its games is better?

Timmy: METADAO is the ECO-token, it’s the core. The game will have its own token in the future, but its role is limited, it is used to regulate the game economy, and it is not the settlement token of Marketplace🤝

Q8. You mentioned governance. How did you implement the governance of Metaverse-DAO and each subsequent game?

Bruce: We cannot ensure that METADAO holders will participate in every game. It is dangerous if a person who has no knowledge of the game decides the direction of the game. At the same time, it is certain that METADAO holders definitely want ModernPUBG to develop better, because it is beneficial to the DAO. For a single game, they should have some rights but not all rights. This balanced right should be more reflected in the development of DAO. On the other hand, to truly understand the game, you have to play the game, then you first need to have NFT (Avatar), so we believe that players holding NFT should enjoy the governance rights of the corresponding game. Combining these, the team hopes to have organized groups of players working towards goals of varying sizes and governance on multiple levels. Each layer has its own positioning to maximize the rationality and effectiveness of governance.


a) Based on Metaverse-DAO, as long as they decide that any NFT holder has no right to veto the proposal, METADAO holders can vote to develop a second game or type of game, or make adjustments to the DAO’s governance structure,

b) Based on ModernPUBG, let’s assume that METADAO holders voted 100 votes in favor and 600 votes against Proposal A.

And ModernPUBG NFT holders voted 500 votes in favor and 100 votes against Proposal A. Votes will be counted as:

The negative vote is 600×40% (METADAO) + 100×60% (NFT), which is 300 votes

The positive votes is 100×40% (METADAO) + 500×60% (NFT), i.e. 340 votes

In this case,  the game proposal A will be passed.

Just a simple example, the actual situation will be more complicated, such as someone holding METADAO and NFT at the same time. What we want to express again is: Game NFT holders have a greater weight in governance of a single game and are closely related to the development of it, while METADAO holders are at the helm of Metaverse-DAO, and they have a portion of the governance of each game, but not decisive for any single game.

METADAO holds a directional role in the technology and development of the entire DAO, similar to the helmsman. At the same time, it has certain governance rights for each game under the DAO, but it is not decisive. NFT holders of the game only governs the game which they play (such as ModernPUBG) and they are decisive because they participate in the game and really know it.

You can see all the details in the whitepaper:

Q9. How does $METADAO differ from other coins in the crypto market? Why should investors choose you?

Timmy: Difficult to explain that with shot words, please allow us to use the copy from whitepaper😅 

METADAO as the core token of the whole project, the team hopes to protect those real investors, we have seen many projects including games destroyed by some market manipulators and whales who don’t care about the development of the project, or even play the game at all. No only they don’t use NFT, they just enter the project earlier and arbitrage through token price fluctuations. No project can completely eliminate this from happening (at least we think so). However, in order to minimize such adverse effects, we have upgraded and innovated the contract as a way to make price relatively stable and allow holders to obtain more profit and protection.

Holders of Metaverse-DAO can get the dividend in USDT, the dividend comes from the transaction fee of all sellers. No slippage when purchasing METADAO, selling fee will be distributed to all holders after anyone sells the token

The average price per minute for the last 4320 minutes (3 days) before the current time is used as the benchmark price. When the coin price = benchmark price, the selling slippage is 10%, and if the current token price > the benchmark price then slippage increase by 1% for every 1% above the benchmark price (For example, if the price = 105% of the benchmark price then sell slippage will be 15%) and selling slippage will not exceed 45%.

If the current token price < 100% of the benchmark price, for every 1% of the price below the benchmark price, the selling slippage will be increased by 2%. In order to prevent speculators from selling a large amount of METADAO at once and causing tax evasion when the tax is low, the maximum amount of METADAO sold in a single transaction is limited to 100,000.

Our contract has been audited. Welcome to the audit link.…/projects/tree/main/Metaverse-DAO

Recommend everyone to watch METAO’s video, you can understand it all

Q10: Are there any exciting events coming up? Where can we find out more about Metaverse DAO?

Bruce: Telegram:


Game video:

Metaverse-DAO video:

Metaverse-DAO whitepaper:

Game whitepaper:





Cryptodaily Admin: I’ll take that as a “no” for the current events then? Nevertheless, check out their socials! I’m sure Metaverse-DAO holds different events in their chats!

Timmy: Yes, we will have events and will announce in community🤝

Cryptodaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with Metaverse-DAO 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Bruce: Congratulations and thanks to these 5 members🎉🎉

Timmy: 👏🏻Thanks everyone

Cryptodaily Admin: Thank you guys for coming and talking about Metaverse-DAO!

Timmy: Thank you so much. Nice to work with you🤝

Cryptodaily Admin: Best of luck to Metaverse-DAO and the upcoming release of Modern PUBG! It has been such a pleasure for myself too!

Bruce: Thank you for a wonderful AMA. There were cool questions. I was glad to be with you. We are waiting for everyone here. Have a nice day👋

Cryptodaily Admin: Have a wonderful day Bruce!

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