Miami to Launch 5000 NFTs in Partnership with TIME and Salesforce

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According to Mayor Suarez, the collaboration with TIME, Mastercard, and Salesforce has been invigorating.

Miami has made it to the news yet again. Mayor Francis X. Suarez of Miami city has disclosed his future project to distribute 5000 Ethereum Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) in partnership with Time, Mastercard, and Salesforce. The idea is to get the NFTs curated by fifty-six regional creators.

The investors of these NFTs will be able to avail Mastercard’s Priceless program, which encompasses luxury private tours and events across Miami. Moreover, the city has decided to hush up the preparation giving itself a tentative deadline of December. The NFT will be launched on Ethereum in accordance with the blockchain’s plan to move to proof-of-stake networks.

Salesforce is an American cloud-based software company with headquarters in San Francisco, California, known for its management software targeted toward sales and customer service. The company has been assigned the job to mint and sell Non-Fungible Tokens on its yet-to-be-disclosed brand-new cloud platform.

According to Mayor Suarez, the collaboration with TIME, Mastercard, and Salesforce has been invigorating. He states that the city has for long been at the forefront of the web3 revolution and that, it has all the ideas and resources to persistently utilize the technologies to sustain the current businesses. While that is true, the mayor also believes that the new technologies will entice more businesses to increase capital and offer immaculate experiences to the people of Miami.

TIME, the flagbearer brand for web3 space, has been roped in to offer advisory assistance and guidance while manifesting innovative solutions and inaugurating the undertaking. The President of TIME, Keith A. Grossman believes that the project has the potential to deliver a one-of-a-kind prospect to the city of Miami to create more authentic associations.

The 56 distinctive blockchain digital assets are being curated by the same number of artists from Miami who will symbolize the city’s fifty-six square mile regional area. Mayor Suarez has similar interests to famous El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele who enjoys an interest in Bitcoins. The leader also seems to reflect a bullish outlook toward the rather bearish crypto market these days.

However, this is not the first time the people of Miami witnessed Suarez’s engagement with the blockchain world. In August last year, Suarez also introduced an altcoin called MiamiCoin (MIA). The launch collected around $8 million in revenue in the city in a span of not more than 2 months. However, the coin plunged to a rather discouraging figure of 98.9% when compared to the coin’s peak price. Ever since the fall, Miami has locked up a majority of its MIA coins to yield in Bitcoin.

Altcoin News, Blockchain News, Cryptocurrency news, News

Sanaa Sharma

Sanaa is a chemistry major and a Blockchain enthusiast. As a science student, her research skills enable her to understand the intricacies of Financial Markets. She believes that Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize every industry in the world.