Microsoft To Build ‘Industrial Metaverse’ With Kawasaki

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  • Microsoft will develop an “industrial metaverse” with Kawasaki.
  • According to a survey, 71% of executives say the metaverse will be good for business.
  • Metaverse will usher in a new era of digital connectivity in e-commerce.

Microsoft is taking the next step in promoting its products by developing an “industrial metaverse” with Kawasaki.

An announcement was made on Tuesday, May 24, that the American multinational company will innovate an “industrial metaverse” for the company’s new customer, Kawasaki. The automobile company’s workers will now wear HoloLens headset, which will help improve operations and make it easier in the production and managing supply chain.

First launched in 2016, HoloLens was designed to allow users to experience augmented reality overlaid upon real-world imagery. And for Microsoft, this industrial metaverse will bring the company’s technologies like cloud computing to help its workers build products more efficiently.

Kawasaki will be joining Heinz, which announced earlier that it would be employing the Microsoft industrial metaverse in ketchup factories, and Boeing, as one of Kawasaki’s manufacturing partners.

CNBC interviewed Jessica Hawk, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for mixed reality, who stated that the industrial metaverse is a preview of what technology is capable of before it becomes fully immersive.

She added:

These are real world problems that these companies are dealing with… so having a technology solution that can help unblock the supply chain challenge, for example, is incredibly impactful.

With the metaverse’s continuing emerging concept, it can be used as products are being used in business-related applications. Businesses are getting more opportunities to start developing, thinking, and conceptualizing their market.

In the past month, Accenture found an amazingly high level of consumer interest in participating in the virtual world. According to its survey, 71% of executives say the metaverse will be good for business.

The metaverse is considered by many to be the biggest opportunity in modern business. With e-commerce becoming more digital, it’s clear that the metaverse will usher in a new era of digital connectivity and it will change the way businesses connect and grow.