Millionaire Land AMA recap

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Coinwire Admin: Thank you everyone for tuning in today’s AMA with PlayToEarnDaily and Millionaire Land👏 I’m your host Daley, and I’m joined by Rahim Berskri – Founder at Millionaire Land!

Rahim Berskri: Hello everyone, glad to be here today

Coinwire Admin: There he is! I see you’re also absolutely thrilled to this AMA, so whenever you’re ready, we can start!

Rahim Berskri: I’m always ready

Coinwire Admin: It’s a pleasure having you here!

Rahim Berskri: Let’s get it started

Coinwire Admin: Perfect 🤩Let’s begin Millionaire Land’s AMA with the first segment: Q&A with the host. We have some questions here for Rahim to answer, the first one is:

Q1. Can you first introduce the Millionaire Land platform to everyone? Who is the team?

Rahim Berskri: Certainly. Millionaire Land aims to build a new styled Web3 application with an ANSWER TO EARN model. Users will be able to earn incentives by using NFT characters to answer questions in quiz competitions. Players are able to grow in wisdom through innovative gameplay and earn money at the same time. This is the reality of the new web3 space. Basically, I graduated from the LSE, UK. started with blockchain cryptocurrency in 2018 and was involved in several early blockchain investments during college, including KAVA, FLOW, and KADENA. Later has been doing R&D work on DeFi and Web3 and has participated in designing project economic models. My main focus is on blockchain technology application and implementation. I specialize in designing blockchain product token economy models, and have years of in-depth research experience on Web3 projects. And let me introduce one of the team members, Boutara, who is also the co-founder of the project. He has over 3 years of experience in financial transformation and integration.

He has been researching the blockchain financial landscape since 2019. He has been working closely with several blockchain organizations since 2020, during 2020-2021 concerned with Defi and GameFi. As a personal investor, he has invested in RNDR and CELO in the past. And Mark, as one of our tech members, is involved in app developing and the whole project growth plan. Carlos and James are good friends. They have been in the blockchain industry for over 6 years, having previously worked in traditional financial companies and exchanges, and currently serve as our operations head and PR advisor. We also have two experienced marketing team leaders, Jefferson and James, who keep track of the project’s progress in terms of partnering business, project promotion, and operations. We also have Erynnyes, who is in charge of social media marketing and community management, and Keven, who is our Chinese community leader, both of whom have exceptional talents and knowledge. They’re all valuable members of our team!

Coinwire Admin: Wow, overall, the members are quite experts in blockchain, defi and gamefi related fields. Is that the character and its attributes?

Rahim Berskri: Yeah! main character NFT

Coinwire Admin: I was just about to ask you that haha. I mean it’s a GameFi, so you must launch your NFTs

Rahim Berskri: Well we can show more pics or info later. Let’s get to the next question

Coinwire Admin: Cool, let’s do that. Well since you’ve just sent us a detailed picture of your NFT, I have to ask:

Q2: When are you planning to launch your NFTs?

Rahim Berskri: Millionaire Land Character NFT are now available for all participants and winners in the community who win the whitelist spots. When the app is live, users who have access to the whitelist will be able to mint the character NFT via the code or mail sent from official confirmation. We’re also giving away a few whitelist spots at our community events to early adopters who show their support by being the first to get free mint opportunities. and the in-game marketplace for NFT will also be available, and you can purchase whatever character NFT you like. BTW, we’re also listed on already, if you are more familiar with the NFT trading marketplace, you can also trade there:

Millionaire Land aims to build a new styled web3 application with an ANSWER TO EARN model. Users will be able to earn incentives by using NFT characters to answer questions in quiz competitions. Players are able to grow in wisdom through innovative gameplay and earn at the same time. This is the reality of the new web3 space. Millionaire Land Mystery Box items – To participate in the Answer2earn game, players must mint or purchase a character NFT (randomly Planck, Newton, Einstein, or Athena) that can be traded on popular NFT marketplace @tofuNFT. These NFTs are competing for $TOK & $POK rewards

Q3. Does the character NFT have a total supply limit? Can it run out if millions of people come on the app? Can you hold more than one Character NFT?

Rahim Berskri: There is currently no limit to the number of NFTs, but the NFTs with the attribute “energy max” is limited, currently with 5000 units. We encourage users to have more character NFTs since they can participate in a variety of quizzes of varying complexity, and having more character NFTs increases the energy value cap and the number of times they can participate in quizzes. For the time being, we will not limit the number of character NFTs; it is now a requirement for all users, and Millionaire Land is preparing to acquire user acceptability and welcome hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of new members, and I believe the technical team is doing the same.

Coinwire Admin: Why do they look so cute though 😂Tempting haha. There are indeed a variety of NFTs with different levels of difficulty, so I suggest everyone read their docs carefully! Right, I think ppl are going to need this question:

Q4. What is the approximate price of NFT?

Rahim Berskri: The first NFT blind box sales were priced at 0.5 BNB, but the current floor price is 0.56 BNB, and subsequent sales will be priced up or down depending on a variety of factors.

Coinwire Admin: Nice, next question:

Q5. Could you explain the utilities of your tokens, your tokenomics and its distribution? Why do the NFTs and games require an activation code?

Rahim Berskri: Millionaire Land is a dual-token model, one is TOK (test of knowledge), which is a game Token representing knowledge rewards in Millionaire Land, mainly obtained through AnswerToEarn. Tokens have no supply limit and are distributed to players as answer rewards. TOK is paying for various APP functions, including pair minting, character NFT health repair, character NFT upgrade, gem upgrade, unlocking slots, resetting character attributes, etc. All TOK used for payment in the above application scenarios will be burnt.

And another one is POK(Power of knowledge), it is the governance token of the platform and is also the payment token for certain high-level features. With a total supply of 3 billion tokens. POK is mainly revealed through AnswerToEarn, and the reward of $POK will be halved once every three years. Others are public offering, investment lock-in, ecological development, team holding, etc.

Coinwire Admin: I really appreciate the illustrations you have for the NFTs, tokenomics, allocations,… But there’s one thing about the activation code though, why do you have it?

Rahim Berskri: The activation code is the key to joining Millionaire Land, without the activation code, the registration will not be possible. Once you get the activation code, you can use your email to register. And if you want to win incentives, NFT will be required as the core element in the application. Code is more like a bond between players and the project.

Q7. How do you plan to solve the problem of the A2E system where the token price always decreases because people, especially free players, will earn and then sell the tokens. How does your project stabilize the token price?

Rahim Berskri: Good question here. You’ve asked an excellent question, and it’s one that many people are concerned about. People will earn money by selling tokens after the project is live, which will affect the price of the tokens, which we will protect in numerous ways.

The tokens $POK and $TOK are used in in-app scenarios such as restoring health, upgrading, accelerating upgrades, unlocking slots, purchasing props, and so on. Token consumption in these cases can raise user demand for tokens while also stabilizing token prices. Encourage Millionaire Land’s ecological cooperation. Answer to Earn’s ecosystem should not be closed, but rather open. When we develop Millionaire Land in the future, we will encourage the development of the entire ecosystem, allowing the tokens to have more applications. With the application’s iterative updating, we’ll be able to supply new scenarios for token consumption, and we’ll be able to stay up with the times and pioneer app innovation. The governance token POK is associated with the project’s common building relationship, and users who have POK will be able to invest in the project’s ecological governance. As Millionaire Land develops, the team will decide whether or not to carry out the destructive plan based on the current situation.

Coinwire Admin: Right, that’s how you would solve the problems with players selling the tokens uncontrollably

Q8. What is the plan to counter whale dumping when the token rises? Is there a whitepaper to sensitize early members?

Rahim Berskri: In terms of preventing big whales, firstly our NFT is limited in the early stages, and the output takes time to develop. As a result, the huge whale that sweeps the NFT must wait and accept the risk exposure that comes with time. Second, even if the big whale produces a large amount of NFT, the daily output is limited. Furthermore, rather than corporations or institutions, our revenue system will be more favorable to people who actually participate in answering queries. If NFT price inflation becomes severe after a certain level of development, we will use the governance function of POK to curb NFT price inflation through POK stakings or other measures.

Sure thing, whitepaper of Millionaire Land: If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you may reach out to our Discord Mods, who will answer you patiently.

We’ll keep the AMA running for the rest of the month to help more people learn about our project. Keep an eye on our Twitter for the most up-to-date AMA information.

Coinwire Admin: Remember to join them fam! Ok so:

Q9. Considering how enormous the project is and how hard to develop since it’s going to be a Web 3.0 application, is it possible to launch in June? And I’m looking forward to seeing how user friendly it can be to the community.

Rahim Berskri: The thing is, we have our V1.0 app now running on the mainnet in public beta, download the app on the website: But we still have lots of work to do in the coming weeks. We can’t give you a specific launch date right now because we need to prepare the app to show the best features of our users, but once we are, the Millionaire Land app will be available to everyone. But, without a doubt, the technical team members are hard at work preparing the app, and we anticipate launching the innovative game modes in July

Q10. What makes this project unique and different from others? Could you elaborate?

Rahim Berskri: Answer to Earn is a cutting-edge Web 3.0 model that provides not only pleasure and enjoyment, but also education and learning, as well as a healthy profit. Answers to Earn models like TV shows or video games have been around for 20 years and have a large following. Second, in comparison to other projects, we not only provide answers to earn, but we also invent a lot of additional props, such as character NFT, in-game utility cards, etc., that make the entire process of answering questions more fascinating. Finally, team revenue is essential to the project’s advancement. In addition to profit channels such as cooperative special games and brand marketing games mode in the app, Millionaire Land will create a healthy operation and development structure.

Q11. Many new projects develop well at first, but then fail to achieve good results. How will you manage and develop your project to gain a position in the market and become a good project in the industrial blockchain?

Rahim Berskri: Millionaire Land is a good project, with an engaging AnswerToEarn area, a fantastic technological team, a long-term vision, and solid operating software. We have well-planned for the future and are prepared to tackle all challenges as we drive the project’s sustainable development while functioning in a healthy manner.

Q12. When is the beta version released?

Rahim Berskri: The app just launched on June 26th, everyone is available to join the journey. 


Enter the activation code – register account – connect BSC wallet – mint the NFT

Coinwire Admin: So for our last question for Millionaire Land:

Q13. Many projects and events have been successful. Are there more events to participate in?

Rahim Berskri: Millionaire Land will continue to host activities leading up to the debut, such as a points competition called “Integral Race” and a Quizmaster tournament called “Crazy Thursday,” to entice more quiz fans to participate. Following the debut of the app, we will host additional quizzes for our community members, and for those who want the free NFT. Try 30 quiz tests below⤵️

Now we have the new one ongoing: Millionaire Land Quiz is coming back! The more participants, the more prizes. And the last one round for the quiz challenge in our Discord quiz-space

Coinwire Admin: Sooo many events happening right now 

Coinwire Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with Millionaire Land🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Rahim Berskri: 🤩Thanks all for your work and the host. Great to have AMA here today

Coinwire Admin: It’s been a great experience having you here with us Rahim! I would say I learn quite a lot about Millionaire Land, and the same goes to the community too. Peeps, remember to join their Discord in order to be eligible for the AMA prize!!! Take care man! Cheers