MoggiesVerse AMA Recap

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Terra_Daily hosts MoggiesVerse: #NFT #MoggiesVerse #TerraDaily #BSC

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Terra_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Samori: We are all good.

Terra_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Samori: Yes, we do.

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please have a quick introduction to the community. What is MoggiesVerse all about? Story behind?

Samori: Lover of cats, we are here to help you. Bring to your home the cutest Moggies you can find. Stay tuned for more Moggies.

Our behind story is about a future world, some 200 million years later.

Meowkyway Galaxy Tour is where you follow a group of wandering Moggies, travel between stars to search for the others and find a way to their lost home. Discover hundreds of lively planets, fight weird enemies, recruit bold cats, grow your team then become the most cute, rich and powerful cats in the universe.

Q2: Can you tell us a bit about the team and their experience with crypto projects?

Samori: Here I would like to introduce the main members of my team and their duties in the establishment of this game:

First of all, Sam. He is Crypto and blockchain enthusiast since 2018. Therefore, Sam brings a wealth of experience in the crypto space to the team.

Secondary, Mintee. She has an Artistic eye and a keen sense of leadership. At the same time, Mintee has several years of work experience in graphic design, illustration.

Next, Willy. He is developing our product. Willy is a developer with a strong background in blockchain.

Q3: Can you walk us through the uniqueness of  MoggiesVerse?

Samori: MoggiesVerse is not only the cutest Moggies on Terra but also funny games to earn more funds.

Q4: Let’s share with us your NFTs collection.

Samori: Here are some photos from our NFT collection.

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Q5: Can you share about the gameplay?

Samori: Our main game, is a “racing” boardgame. It have 2 mode: Story and PvP.

The goal of each play is to go to end of the road. The road is divided into a number of tiles. Normally, there are 2 or more moggies teams, trying to be the first reach the goal.

Each team take turn and do their action.

Walk: your moggies move forward 1 step.

Use cards:

Each team have some cards.

In your turn, you can play as much as cards you want, until you decide if it’s enough and walk, or you play a card that said it will end your turn.

Now in the game, we designed more than 20 type of cards with various ability.

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Use cards:

Each team have some cards.

In your turn, you can play as much as cards you want, until you decide if it’s enough and walk, or you play a card that said it will end your turn.

Now in the game, we designed more than 20 type of cards with various ability.


That’s the core mechanics. As the project is growing, we plan to make more gameplay variants. That can be escaping a group of enemy chasing you, trying to catch mischievous moggies stole your foods, surviving through a deadly road full of traps and enemies.

The other game of MoggiesVerse is manage your planet. This is where all your moggies live. In here, you can construct labotary to reseach. A successful research will grant you bonus in the main game. Each planet have its speciality, provide different bonuses.

The buildings in planet also affect the “mood” of moggie. A moggie in good mood will fighting more efficient. They got faster, stronger, luckier. You need to construct enough building to entertain them to ensure they’re not in bad mood.


Q6: Let’s talk about partnerships & influencers that you are collaborating with.

Samori: TerraDaily: We are so excited to partner with Terra to host this AMA. Random Earth: main marketplace partner. We will launch our project on Random Earth.

LunaArt: Their art is awesome to make a collaboration. We will have 333 Moggies with LunaArt Background style. If success mint a Moggies-LunaArt background will receive a big reward.

and more partners with over 100k followers.

Q7: Could you give us some information about your roadmap, your milestones, and also your future plans?

Samori: Well of course, here is our roadmap:

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Q8: Where can we find out more about MoggiesVerse on social media?

Samori: Here are some channels where you can find us:

Link Discord:

Link Twitter:


Terra_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with MoggiesVerse.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Samori: Thank you to everyone who attended the AMA today.  We are very honored for this, and hope the upcoming NFT will bring value to everyone!

Terra_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for MoggiesVerse.

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