Monsterra: New Era for NFT Gaming

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Following a private sale, Monsterra’s initial NFT and public token offerings are expected to launch by the end of 2021.

While some play-to-earn games have grown dramatically this year, a number of issues are still holding back this emerging GameFi industry from its disruptive potential within an overall gaming market projected to be worth $200 billion by 2024.

Monsterra is a dual chain-based game on Binance Smart Chain and Terra, inspired by Axie Infinity. It seeks to address the shortcomings of existing NFT games using a unique combination of free-to-play, play-for-fun, and play-to-earn models to overcome the high entrance and gas fees and poorly-designed gameplay and tokenomics that hinder adoption.

With its free-to-play-to-earn game mechanics, Monsterra lets players play the game before spending anything, expanding its potential audience compared to other NFT games while elevating the game-fun aspect with exciting and inspiring gameplay. Monsterra is designed to balance the in-game spending and earning economy with an anti-inflationary strategic burn mechanism, plus token and NFT utilities to solve tokenomic problems. There are also no gas fees to get started with the game and players only need to pay the transaction fee when converting assets to NFT items.

What Sets Monsterra Apart from Other Play-To-Earn Games?

Unlike other games that use an identical form for all in-game characters, Monsterra’s unprecedented breeding mechanism enables players to create new hybrid characters by breeding two random features of in-game creatures.

Gamers can customize plots of land to create unique environments, and the mechanism of creating land from separate plots enables the modification of land themes according to seasonality or special occasions.

Using Monsterra’s innovative staking and yield farming system, players can also enable tokens and NFT assets already added to staking and liquidity pools to still be used for in-game activities concurrently.

Monsterra Gameplay

The game is set in a fictional world of magical creatures known as Mongens. Players embark on farming, plot building, and battling with other lands and players to expand their territories, earn rewards, and level up their NFT characters.

Characters, Plots, and Land Frames

Starting with one free set of default land plots and two Soulcores, users have to incubate the Soulcores to generate a new Mongen, of which there are five races: Beast, Tectos, Mystic, Celest, and Chaos. Mongen basic stats are calculated based on health, sturdiness, magic, and aggression. Traits and rarity types add to its rating score, with skill sets that can evolve and level up over time.

Plots are the building blocks of land in the Monsterra world, with eight different types that can be combined to maximize earnings and enjoyment. Core Plots form the foundation, then Pasture Plots help nurture Mongens, Breeding Plots enable players to create new Soulcores, and Hatching Plots speed up incubation time. Production Plots enable food production to feed the Mongens, and Storage Plots maintain cultivated items. There are also Barracks Plots to train Mongen armies and Defense Plots to defend the land from attacks. Finally, Decor Plots help boost the statistics of nearby land plot NFTs.

These Plots are connected using Land Frames made up of Landcore. Users can acquire or claim Landcore via various methods. Then, by farming the land users can produce consumable items used for feeding and developing Mongens, defending the land, and launching battles across four game modes.

Battle Modes

In Adventure Mode, players lead their Mongen squads to tackle obstacles and find hidden reward tokens on NPC lands.

Boss Challenge Mode leads players to conquer surrounding land inhabited by NPC beasts in a quest to expand their territory by gaining battle victories.

Battlefront Mode pits players against other players as Mongen armies are sent to raid other lands to acquire their resources. But if they fail, it is the successful landowner that will receive rewards instead.

Arena Mode sees Mongen squads fight each other to gain betting rewards. Participants put up a battle wager using the in-game currency with the winners walking away with the total pool.

In-Game Currencies

Monsterra utilizes a dual token model to ensure the sustainability and scalability of the in-game ecosystem.

MSTR is the primary token with a limited supply of 100 million. It is used for purchasing NFT items and for other in-game activities. Users can also stake MSTR in staking and liquidity pools to earn rewards, and will need MSTR to participate in the governance of the Monsterra DAO.

MAG is Monstarra’s secondary token with an uncapped supply regulated by the burning mechanism. MAG can be earned by completing quests and spent on multiple gaming activity fees.

What’s Next?

Following a private sale, Monsterra’s initial NFT and public token offerings are expected to launch by the end of 2021

The 2022 roadmap is then set to deliver staking and yield farming services, an NFT marketplace, and the Monsterra DAO ahead of a phased game release and multi-chain future.


Andy Watson

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