Navcoin: Privacy-enhanced digital currency launches social mining platform

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Navcoin, an open-source digital currency launched in 2014, has announced the launch of its latest offering, a Social Mining platform. The Social Mining platform is a unique offering by Navcoin which allows users to earn tokens by interacting with social media platforms. For every activity performed, the user will receive points, and these points can be redeemed for NAV coins. 

Users can earn reward points through retweeting or replying to Navcoin Tweets and tagging $NAV, $XNAV, or $WNAV, by creating or commenting on a post in the r/Navcoin or any other subreddit while mentioning Navcoin or NAV, joining Navcoin’s Discord server and participating in the conversations, connecting to Binance using a read-only API key and getting rewarded for trading NAV. Writing an article about Navcoin and sharing it can get the user up to 20 points. The easiest way to earn points is by creating videos about Navcoin to earn up to 40 points.

Navcoin utilizes the prowess of digital currencies to offer fast and reliable payment services with innovative privacy features. The project aims to protect the right to privacy of every investor using its privacy protocols that are available to everyone for free. 

Apart from the Social Mining platform, Navcoin also recently released a Navcoin Core 7.0 (Discovery) which includes a set of new protocol changes. These protocol changes will be activated after the majority of Navcoin’s network signals for their acceptance. The protocol changes include decisions about burning transaction fees, super proposals and a DAO upgrade, dotNAV, an on-chain naming service, xNAV mixing protocol changes and Private Tokens and NFTs. 

Navcoin has also recently launched their own digital wallet on Apple’s App Store, called Navcoin NEXT wallet. NEXT is a light wallet with a modern UI enabling people to safely store and spend their coins in public and in private. NEXT also enables people to cold-stake their coins and to participate in the governance of Navcoin’s network.

Navcoin is a community-driven project with work and initiatives funded using a decentralized treasury. The Social Mining platform and the Navcoin Core 7.0 update are aimed to improve the utility of Navcoin’s network and ecosystem.

About Navcoin

Launched in 2014, Navcoin is an open-source digital currency that offers fast and reliable payment services using innovative privacy features. The project offers an interoperable blockchain that allows users to exchange value online without compromising privacy.

Navcoin aims to address the privacy concerns in the blockchain industry by offering its privacy-enhanced functionality to public blockchains. Using Navcoin’s robust privacy protocols, any project will soon be able to mint private tokens and NFTs on Navcoin’s network, and even enable on-chain trading of those using atomic swaps.

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