Near Protocol Weekly Recap Week 35 (22/8 – 28/8)

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With its technological strengths, Near Protocol still takes firm steps in any market situation. Every day is a step forward for Near, let’s take a look at the notable events as well as the talking numbers across the ecosystem.


Highlight On-chain Data of Near Protocol

Rainbow Bridges resist another attack

Near Protocol July & August milestones 

Nearcon 2022 Overview

Web 2 to Web 3 landscape by NearDaily 

Ecosystem Update

Near Protocol Highlight On-Chain Data

Big Things Around The Ecosystems

Near Protocol Weekly Recap Week 35 (22/8 - 28/8)  - 2

Rainbow Bridge resisted another attack. No user funds lost, attack was mitigated automatically within 31 seconds and attacker lost 5 ETH

Read the detail here.

We’ve sum-up the recent cross-chain bridges hack comparing with Rainbow bridge

Read more detail here.

Near Protocol July & August Milestone by Near Daily

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Last July and August were not very good times for the crypto market. Even so, NearProtocol still marks remarkable milestones, reinforcing its “BUIDL” aspiration. Let’s also Near Daily take a look at those milestones.

Detail here.

Near Protocol Reached ATH Of Daily Transaction

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Compare the Number Of Daily Transaction Peak Between Nearprotocol and FantomFDN

On August 20th, NEAR set a daily peak of nearly 2 million unique transactions. It is worth mentioning here that this record level was set around the time of the Bear market. What if Bull-run then?

Read the detail here.

Nearcon 2022 Overview by Near Daily

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Nearcon 2022 is Nearprotocol’s annual event following the success of Nearcon2021 but on a larger scale. Gathering many famous faces of Near in general and crypto in particular, is a place for people to better understand Web3, Near and more.

Are you exciting about this event?

Web 2 to Web 3 landscape on Near Protocol

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Additional Event

NEAR protocol is now supported on Chainstack

Near and Calimero Network will build the bridge allows for interoperability and cross-chain communication

Dozens of new contracts are being deployed every day on the Near blockchain! 

NEAR community has donated $5M+ to support Ukraine via co-organizers

NEARWEEK Receives Funding From The NEAR Foundation

Cosmos IBC is coming to NEAR

Binance Loans Adds NEAR as New Borrowable Asset  

NearPay mobile app for Android and iOS are live!

Sweat Economy introduced Sweat Wallet!

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