New Farm/Pools UI explained

New FarmPools UI explained

In this new layer we have many surprises for the community.
Among them, we have a new MC that pays in addition to the native currency (Death), other items.
These items are related to the NFTs that we use to boost our earnings.

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And here we are going to explain how to read each of these items on your screen.

  1. Death Earned: This is the amount that is being earned without any boost. This was classic masterchef farming.
  2. Lockup: Time that has to run out in order to Harvest earnings and compound.
  3. Boost: This is an extra value on top of death earned. This is calculated using diff skill values.
  4. Experience: This value is how much experience will be added to your NFT card once you harvest earnings.
  5. Staked (Coin): how much you deposit in that pool.
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boost stake is presented in each card

As usual, we are improving our platform for Community earning benefit.


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