Next Cryptocurrency to Explode in 2022? Revolutux Provides Referral Rewards While Bitcoin and Stellar are Trending in Cryptoverse

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Place/Date: – August 15th, 2022 at 9:00 am UTC · 4 min read
Source: Revolutux

Cryptocurrencies might have had a rocky start as analysts dismissed them as a risky asset category, but today, they are as good as any other investment option and have proved their investment potential by posting sustained results in the past. Offering investors a slew of advantages like data privacy, immunity against inflation, and lack of third-party interference. Cryptocurrencies have set in motion a shift in the financial services ecosystem to enable investors to have greater control over their investments and financial data.

At the same time, advancements in blockchain technology are enabling innovators to roll out more products with diverse use cases.

If you are a rookie investor who is looking for the next cryptocurrency to explode in 2022, you should start researching some of the most sought-after names like Revolutux (RVTL), Bitcoin (BTC), and Stellar (XLM) and find out more about their potential. We’ll take a deeper dive below.

Revolutux: Incentivising Participation with Next-Generation Rewards

Revolutux is a decentralized blockchain-powered platform that facilitates cryptocurrency trading. Built on the Binance Smart Chain, the platform also has a dedicated marketplace for selling and purchasing non-fungible tokens. It has a native token RVTL that can be used for staking, yield farming, liquidity pool provisioning, earning rewards, and other transactional purposes.

The RVTL Token will be available on presale for buyers. The platform will also offer its users several rewards for buying these tokens. These rewards, however, will depend on factors like the cryptocurrency used in the transaction, the quantum of money spent, referrals, and the stage of presale when the transaction was made. If, for instance, an Ethereum user buys RVTL Tokens, they will get 5% extra tokens as a bonus. Now, if the same transaction is made within the first stage of the presale, then they will get an additional 7% of tokens for free as a bonus. Even if the transaction is made in the second stage of presale they will earn 4% extra tokens. If a user is being referred for purchase, then both parties will receive $50 if a minimum purchase of $200 is made during the presale.

A unique factor about the RVTL Token is that it is built on a deflationary model, wherein these tokens are burned to keep their supply scarce. When the supply of the token is scarce, it is not very susceptible to price fluctuations. As part of its efforts to incentivize participation, Revolutux gives away liquidity (LP) tokens to users. LP Tokens are usually given to users to compensate them for their contribution to the liquidity pool and also to track individual contributions.

Another exciting feature of the Revolutux platform is its automatic liquidity pool which is a smart contract with dual benefits. On the one hand, the smart contract helps in maintaining a stable price floor, and on the other hand, it collects tokens from sellers and buyers and adds them to the liquidity pool. It repeats the process until the liquidity pool is full.

Bitcoin Reacts Positively to US Fed Rate Hike

Bitcoin is among the earliest cryptocurrencies to have hit the international markets back in the 2000s and still has a successful run in the market. Its native token BTC can be used for staking, yield farming, liquidity pool acquisition, and other transactional purposes. On July 28, 2022, the US Federal Reserve announced that it was increasing key interest rates by 75 basis points. The hike comes in the wake of the rising inflation in the country, as is evident in the Consumer Price Index, which reached 9.1% earlier in June. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin reacted positively to the hike. Within 24 hours of the announcement, Bitcoin’s value crossed a staggering $22,000.

Stellar Announces New Offer for Users

Stellar is a blockchain-powered platform that facilitates the transfer of data and digital assets on its platform. Its native token XLM can be used for staking, liquidity pool provisioning, and other transactional purposes on the platform.

Its application programming interface and software development kits can enable small companies to ramp up their network and scale without any hassles. Recently, Stellar announced an offer for its users in which they will earn $50 worth of Stellar rewards when they deposit and maintain a balance of a minimum of 30 USDC  between July 25 and August 25.

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Check the links below for more on Revolutux (RVLT) – an exciting new prospect: Website, Presale, Telegram.

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