NFT2Metaverse: The utility-driven marketplace of the Metaverse

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The Metaverse is the next chapter in the evolution of the Internet bringing together physical and digital lives. As users venture into the virtual world there is a surging demand for marketplaces offering products that could be used in the Metaverse.

NFT2Metaverse (N2M)  fits perfectly in this surging demand. The platform helps designers sell their items and offers consumers an easy purchase of a broad variety of items, thus striving to become the OpenSea of the Metaverse.

What is NFT2Metaverse?

NFT2Metaverse (N2M) aspires to be the marketplace of the Metaverse where designers can effortlessly sell and market their digital designs in the Metaverse by using the Platform as a Service (PaaS).  The platform can be compared to the traditional marketplaces like Amazon and eBay where designers will earn income by selling digital products that they have created. Buyers who buy their digital items on the platform can then use them directly in the metaverse.

Designers do not have to dwell on tedious activities like setting up smart contracts, minting (of the unique product), placing the art in the Metaverse, transferring their products to consumers, attracting potential consumers and the administrative bureaucracy as selling their products is just a few clicks away with N2M.

The platform will have access to two significant income streams:

  • Income from designers’ subscriptions as designers will pay a monthly fee to use the marketplace.
  • Income from transactions on the platform where 10% of every transaction on the platform goes into N2M’s treasury.

The platform plans to go live in several metaverses, making it instantly accessible to users from all over the world to generate as much revenue as possible.

Unique profit distribution for NFT holders

The platform has a unique profit-sharing feature where no less than 40% of the profit will be paid out to the NFT-holders. This feature holds great potential for those who have a long-term vision for investing.

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Users benefit optimally by holding the NFTs in their wallets. As a holder, users will automatically receive a passive income every month in their Ethereum wallet or as a stable coin. Therefore N2M’s NFTs provide users a unique utility, as users can speculate what could happen to the price per NFT as soon as the profit is paid out.

Other Benefits Offered

  • Embassy Access: The platform offers NFT holders exclusive Embassy access to the Metaverses as they can enjoy the profits linked to this access.
  • Whitelist Places: If users purchase products in the pre-sale they will have a guaranteed seat on the whitelist of the next project thus building a strong foundation for the community.
  • Partner Discounts: The holders can enjoy all of the special benefits that future partners and partnerships offer.
  • Loyalty: The initial NFT holders will be rewarded with a significant discount on the platform’s future collections.
  • Free giveaways: The platform is determined to recognize and honor its holders and will do free airdrops during its projects. 

The NFT sale

NFT2Metaverse had  launched a private sale that was sold out under the Dutch and Belgium investors and forged partnerships with leading platforms like, CarArtRevolution, 

NFTevening and many more. And here is a peek at the characters from the current Private NFT-Sale.

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The platform is set to launch another pre-sale for 0.15 ETH on 10 June 2022. This sale will be a unique opportunity for users to become one of the first to access the NFT2Metaverse NFTs.

When users purchase an N2M NFT, not only are they gaining an avatar or a verifiable piece of art but also members’ access to benefits and offerings that will increase over time which includes a payout of 40% of the platform’s profits back to the NFT holders.

All NFT2Metaverse NFTs start out with different levels of rarity which also determines the complexity of their kind. The3 types of rarity are Common, Rare, and Super Rare.

Other Info

  • Mint price of pre-sale: 0.15 ETH
  • Mint price of public sale: 0.20 ETH
  • Total number of NFTs: 9999 

Final Word

The platform prioritizes quality, stability, and safety during its development and strives to onboard 100,000 designers within five years. The profit-sharing feature offered by the N2M platform is a one-of-a-kind feature that offers a way to earn passive income and add utility to the users’ NFTs. 

Thus with a diverse range of products from a variety of designers and NFTs that hold immense value, theNFT2Metaverse strives to become an all-inclusive marketplace of the Metaverse. 

Visit: NFT2METAVERSE Website

To learn more about the platform’s future objectives, browse the roadmap.
Also, check out discord.

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.