OneStake Finance: A DeFi Yield Aggregator Providing Users With Optimal Yield Opportunities

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OneStake Finance, a DeFi yield aggregator that adopts the TVL-as-a-Service protocol, is seeking to provide the DeFi yield market with the highest APR possible.

The project is intended towards providing casual and professional DeFi users with solutions and the exposure they need to the entire yield market.

According to the official website of the platform, OneStake is dubbed “the 1inch in the field of yield protocols” due to the optimal yield opportunities it provides users through the governance mechanics and TVL-as-a-Service protocol it adopts. OneStake Finance claims to be the first TVL-as-a-Service protocol that offers the highest APR possible on single staking as it strives to earn a competitive advantage in the market.

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) of this protocol operates in a way that it analyzes all the assets and protocols interacting with OneStake before whitelisting and grouping them into one pool.

In a bid to provide users with the best distribution cost possible, OneStake Finance analyzes the current APR and TVL for all assets of every whitelisted protocol every 4 hours. Thereafter,  it calculates the funds’ allocation to obtain the maximum APR. This process simulates the results according to extra investments in provider pools. Thus, it would calculate the rebalancing costs once it encounters optimal distribution. This system enables the protocol to perform new calculations if the costs exceed the critical value until it is able to reach the best possible distribution.




In situations as such this, the protocol will only begin rebalancing automatically.  Furthermore, it collects staking rewards every 2 hours unless it sells or reinvests them back into the pools.

OneStake Finance in its efforts to provide a utility-yield aggregation service to users is committed to aggregating other protocols, consolidating them into pools, and distributing OneStake’s TVL between them.

This reflects the platform’s commitment to helping expert traders get the best results in the DeFi yield market. Also, it seeks to ensure that the process is more accessible to new or casual users. 

Furthermore, it uses iUSD, an interest-bearing token, to assist its users in obtaining the highest possible yield. With this mechanism, the protocol mints iUSD tokens every time users deposit funds and subsequently burns them whenever a withdrawal occurs. iUSD is pegged at a 1:1 ratio to the deposited asset, and users can freely store, transfer, or trade it.

The mechanics adopted by OneStake Finance provides it with the potential to solve the issues deriving from high gas costs.