Phaeton sets grand 2022 goals to expand its renewable footprint


Since its inception in January 2018, Phaeton has come a long way. Phaeton’s growth accelerated after a change in management and direction. After examining the existing challenges that Blockchain Platforms currently face, Phaeton improved the status quo and branded itself as a Blockchain for the people. The Company’s fundamental values revolve around making a positive social impact and implementing real-world projects that affect people’s daily lives. The business model is to invest in ideas that have been tested and proven to work. The intent is to improve the wealth of the shareholders and token holders in the long term.

The year 2021 can be considered when Phaeton set the groundwork for a robust and long-term corporate framework. It’s also worth noting that each Blockchain technology product and initiative has been carefully crafted to create a cohesive social impact ecosystem. With the foundations laid, Phaeton is now diving into the deep end of its company’s operations. Phaeton has started executing several of its planned projects in 2022, which include the following:

  • Phaeton Technology: Phaeton Identity and Phaeton Helious Deployer will be launched next month, and Phaeton Artemis Node will be launched in the first half of 2022.
  • Phaeton Sidechains: The Carbon Credit Exchange will be launched in February 2022. New sidechains such as Microdot Systems, Nightkey, and a Blockchain Ticketing system will be rolled out in the latter half of 2022.
  • Phaeton Network: The Off-Grid Modular Data Centre will be showcased for public viewing in March 2022. Several Modular Data Centres have been incorporated in five Solar Farm projects and two real estate developments.
  • Phaeton Energy: The mandate given to the Phaeton Energy team is to start on ten solar farm projects and to be operational by December 2022. To date, five sites have been secured.
  • Phaeton Real Estate: The Phaeton NFT Real Estate Marketplace will be launched in the first quarter of 2022. The two real estate development projects will start construction in the first half of 2022, with a completion date in June 2023.
  • Phaeton ESG Bonds: The platform will be launched in early 2022.
  • Crypto Exchanges: It is planned for PHAE to be listed on five additional Crypto Exchanges, all within the top 10 internationally listed exchanges.
  • Stock Exchange: The engaged lawyers and accountants will start working on the Stock Exchange listing in North America with the target date before 30th June 2022.

Phaeton Launches its First Green Data Centre

As part of its expansion plans in 2022, Phaeton is set to expand its renewable footprint by installing modular data centres. Phaeton OMD (Off-grid Modular Data) Centres is a disruptor in the data centre industry. Through the Phaeton Blockchain technology, the OMD Centres improve energy efficiency while addressing other significant concerns of privacy, ownership, and transparency.

An OMD center is a remote design network system that can probe data networks and securely upload and receive network data for storage or crypto mining. Because the design is modular, the size of a data center is scalable and wholly deployable. This OMD concept isn’t dependent on electricity from the public. A unified renewable energy system powers and backs up the system, with a dual backup system running indefinitely. Physical biometrics and a robust network security mechanism protect the OMD center. The network can be operated and monitored remotely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. These centers can be set up anywhere, whether on top of a building, at a remote mine site, or in the middle of nowhere.

The OMD center, being modular, can be transported module or flat packed to a site for erection. The design is solar-powered, with all security features pre-installed. The satellite communications are pre-installed and ready to go when it arrives at the location. The servers and racks are clean, dust-free, temperature-controlled, and static-free. Phaeton offers three different designs: a Vortexed Tower, a Single Level HIVE, or individual Cubes that may be locked together to expand the data storage area.

How will Phaeton be superior to established players?

Big data center giants like Apple, Google, and Facebook are switching to renewable energy to reduce carbon emissions, one of Phaeton Networks’ key features. However, these participants retain ownership of the information saved and acquired on their servers, which means they can be hacked or sold to third parties. As a result, clients may lose control over their data and privacy. Phaeton Networks employs Blockchain Technology to provide a secure, trustworthy, and transparent environment for clients to keep their data.

Phaeton OMD Centres will significantly impact other competitors and will be a disruptor in the data center industry. The OMD Centre provides the energy efficiency of data centers. It also addresses critical issues such as privacy, ownership, and transparency through blockchain technology.

Phaeton Networks is also building ISO Data Centres as an alternative to OMD Centres. Phaeton Energy’s decentralized micro-grid solar farms with backup battery storage based on international sea container sizes will power these data centers. These ISO Data Centres will also be included in Phaeton Real Estate’s upcoming projects.

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 Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.