PokerFi: The new digital poker platform with multiple NFT launches in January

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You may have heard about the furor caused in the world in the last 2 months, one of them is the Metaverse and the other one is one word and 3 letters: NFT. If you do a google search now, you’ll see that these words are among the most searched topics on the internet. Since the day 10/28/2021 when Big Tech Facebook announced its definitive entry into this technology, companies that already had Metaverses and NFT games on their platforms, had their assets exploded in the evaluation. But you may be wondering: Yes, this is not new what poker has to do with it?

That’s where this promising new poker company comes in and promises to shake up the market for this incredible game that only grows and attracts famous people from all over the world year after year. With a new NFT platform and Poker game on the Metaverse, a new PokerFi startup in the digital poker business that promises to cause that same furor in the world market.

Launched in October this year by young poker players and experts in the cryptocurrency financial market, the company saw this token be one of the most prized organic tokens in the world in 2021. The coin price reached an incredible 4,000% in just a few days, with little an all-natural marketing resource, leading the company to hit an $82 million Market Cap. (you can check this data in CMC).

But you might still be wondering what difference PokerFi would have to offer to be so sought after in such a short time?

Today the world of poker is a market that moves millions and millions of dollars a week. One of the problems that the developers of this project identified in this market are the fees and transactions that end up making the poker player take a long time to receive their winnings from tournaments. In addition to these fees, there is a very onerous factor, which is taxes. In the financial market, we know that time is money. So PokerFi comes with a revolutionary proposal to this market. Lower transaction costs and taxes through the blockchain system and create your own poker house within the Metaverse, where there will be many amazing tournaments within the PokerFi platform.

And now on January 12th, the company promises to come with a bomb. The launch of digital land sales

Can you imagine owning a Poker Casino?

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Welcome to PokerFi Metaverse

PokerFi is working on the development of the Poker platform, which will be integrated into its own Metaverse, where everything that is for sale within it will be in NFT format. For someone to have their Poker Club and profit from it, they need to buy the land, the objects for customization and construction of the Casino and the Dealers NFTs that will be a 3D image of the influencers. With advance land purchase, you can rent your land, resell or build a casino and profit from it. Any company can buy land and have their ad space in our metaverse for brand visibility to our club users and, in the future, it will be possible to put NFTs on Staking.

To learn more about PokerFi access this link –

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You don’t need to be a poker player to invest with us. Our currency promises a very large market appreciation in 2022.

 Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.