Polkadot Launches Substrate Marketplace, a One-Stop Shop for Blockchain Builders

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Developers building on the Polkadot blockchain and its canary network Kusama should have an easier time of it with the launch of an all-new Substrate Marketplace that’s part of a bigger update to the Substrate Developer Hub. 

The Developer Hub serves as the knowledge base of the Substrate framework that’s used to build blockchains on Polkadot and Kusama. Polkadot acts as a relay chain that ties an ecosystem of parachains together, settling their transactions and assuring interoperability between them. Developers generally use pallets, which are powerful modules and support libraries that serve as the building blocks of Substrate, to create their parachains.They can be thought of as pre-built blockchain components.

With the launch of Substrate Marketplace within the Developer Hub, it’s far easier for developers to look through the available pallets they can use to build their projects on Polkadot, Kusama or as a solochain, said Parity Technologies. The Marketplace contains open-source pallets that come with FRAME, plus dozens of third-party offerings built by the Polkadot and Kusama communities.

Within the Marketplace developers will find three primary sections, including a runtime library that provides examples of business logic that can be enabled by mixing and matching multiple pallets. There, developers will find more than 100 complete runtime listings in this section, including those used by its most prominent parachains. Users can search by various categories to find the framework their project needs, then save themselves a lot of effort by viewing dozens of examples of how they can be used to create customized blockchains.

As well as the runtimes, there are the pallets themselves with a library of almost 100 to choose from. Once again, the listings are sorted into various categories, with information on their licensing details, dependencies and GitHub insights.

Last but not least, the Marketplace contains a section of project listings that are meant to serve as inspiration for developers. Users will find more than 120 active projects in areas such as DeFi, GameFi, file storage, smart contracts and more, that are currently being built within the Substrate and Dotsama ecosystems,

Parity said it expects the Substrate Marketplace to become a valuable resource for developers building in its ecosystem, helping them to navigate the various options at their fingertips and find the best solutions for their specific blockchain needs. At the same time, it will also highlight the growing strength of the Polkadot developer community at large, giving everyone within it a chance to gain visibility, share their knowledge, and learn something new while they’re at it.

Blockchain News, Cryptocurrency news, News

Kseniia Klichova

Kseniia is the Chief Content Officer of Coinspeaker, holding this position since 2018. Now she is very passionate about cryptocurrencies and everything connected with it, so she tries to ensure that all the content presented on Coinspeaker reaches the reader in an understandable and attractive way. Kseniia is always open to suggestions and comments, so feel free to contact her for any questions regarding her duties.