Polygon Co-Founder Steps Down, Will Maintain Advisory Role

Polygon Co-Founder Steps Down, Will Maintain Advisory Role

The Genesis of Polygon: A Collaborative Innovation

Collaborating with software virtuosos including Sandeep Nailwal, Anurag Arjun, and Mihailo Bjelic, Kanani laid the foundational keystones of the Matic network in 2017. This entity later transformed into the renowned Polygon. Nailwal expressed deep emotions about the journey, acknowledging the uncharted territories traversed and Polygon’s nascent stage.

Polygon’s Evolving Leadership and Exciting Ventures

Polygon’s digital domain is guided by a constellation of ten co-founders, some of whom are venturing into exciting side projects within the platform’s expansive ecosystem. Arjun, for instance, embarked on a distinct path in March, catalyzing the birth of the blockchain data availability protocol Avail.

The Dawn of Polygon 2.0: A Digital Renaissance

The canvas of Polygon Labs is now adorned with numerous improvement proposals, all aimed at orchestrating the network’s transition into the realm of Polygon 2.0. This concept, conceived in June, encompasses zero-knowledge proofs across four meticulously crafted protocol layers: staking, interoperability, execution, and proof validation. As of this manuscript’s creation, developers are diligently crafting the vibrant tapestry of “Polygon 2.0,” breathing life into its digital existence.