Integration of Polygon PoS Support for dApp Development on Amazon Managed Blockchain

Integration of Polygon PoS Support for dApp Development on Amazon Managed Blockchain

Amazon Managed Blockchain Adds Polygon PoS for Efficient dApp Development

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Polygon now offers free access to Polygon PoS during public preview, simplifying and enhancing dApp development for developers.

Key Features of AMB Access Polygon with Polygon PoS Integration

  • Seamless Integration: Amazon Managed Blockchain Access effortlessly incorporates Polygon PoS support, providing developers with a reliable and cost-efficient platform for Web3 app development.
  • Instant and Serverless Access: During public preview, AMB Access Polygon allows instant and serverless access to Polygon PoS mainnet and Mumbai testnet with no minimum cost. Standard AWS data transfer charges still apply.
  • Faster Time to Market: Developers benefit from faster time to market with no setup time, automatic scaling as workload grows, and cost-efficient management, saving up to 80% in blockchain node spend.
  • High Reliability: The integration ensures production-grade applications with AWS’s high reliability standards.

Benefits for Developers Across Industries

Developers in various sectors, including finance, gaming, and consumer brands, can leverage Polygon PoS integration for:

  • Powering Digital Asset Offerings: Financial services can utilize JSON-RPC APIs for powering digital asset offerings.
  • NFTs in Web3 Games: Web3 game developers can create and exchange NFTs for in-game use.
  • Loyalty Rewards with NFTs: Consumer brands can offer NFTs as loyalty rewards.

Collaboration Projects and Partnerships

Several collaboration projects showcase the diverse applications of Polygon PoS and Amazon Managed Blockchain:

  • Magic: A wallet-as-a-service provider facilitating instant non-custodial wallet creation.
  • Mystic Moose: An indie game developer studio and Mojo Melee publisher.
  • Oasis Pro: A global fintech infrastructure provider for real-world assets.
  • RecoChoku: A leading music streaming company.
  • Accelerating Web3 Startup Development: A collaboration between Animoca, AWS, and Polygon Labs announced earlier to accelerate Web3 startup development through the MoonRealm Express Accelerator.