PolyPug AMA Recap

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Polygon_Daily Admin hosts PolyPug: #PolyPug #Polygon #PolygonDaily #Quickswap #Pug

Polygon_Daily AdminToday I have here with me 3 speakers from PolyPug: Jared, Taylor and Wozza.

Guys, why don’t you say Hi to the Polygon_Daily community.

Are you all feeling pumped?

Taylor Creator: What’s up? What’s up everyone!

Jared: Hi Everybody.

Polygon_Daily AdminAlright are you guys ready for the AMA?

Taylor Creator: Born ready!!!

Polygon_Daily AdminThen let’s get on with the first question.

Q1: Please introduce PolyPug to the Polygon Daily community. Where did the inspiration of PolyPug come from? And what does PolyPug offer to the users?

Taylor Creator: the Quickswap and Polygon ecosystem.

PolyPug offers anyone a chance to be a part of the fastest-growing Polygon community.

We welcome everyone!!! And we keep it super positive!

Polygon_Daily AdminNumber 1 you say, That’s pretty ambitious don’t you think?

Wozza.eth || CGO Polypug 🐶: We have an awesome community, fantastic NFTs and the BEST MEMES!!

It’s not a question of if, but rather when. Crypto is all about community at the end of the day.

Polygon_Daily AdminYeah, I’m ready for some Pug meme out there, getting pretty tired of Shiba to be honest 😂

Taylor Creator: 100% Daley!!! This was one of our main inspirations. If you go to coinstats for instance and type “doge” or “shib” there is an insane list of knockoffs.

PolyPug was created because we wanted a super positive community in the Polygon ecosystem. We recognized there were hundreds of Dogecoin and Shiba spinoffs and thought Polygon was so special it deserved its own dog breed. Welcome the PolyPug!

Q2: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences?

Wozza.eth || CGO Polypug 🐶: In charge of memes and GIFs. The most NB role 🤣😂

Jared: I have been in banking and finance for the past 10 years and a best friend of Taylor Creator for about 25 years.

Taylor Creator: I remember not too long ago I think I messaged Wozza on a Twitter post about PolyPug before it even launched.. is that right Wozza?

Wozza.eth || CGO Polypug 🐶: I’ve been in auditing and finance for 10 years working out of Europe.

Yeah and I joined telegram right away. Think I was the first after you guys!!

And part of the fair launch.

Taylor Creator: Haha yeah mate!!! So cool.

Polygon_Daily AdminSo you guys go wayyyyyy back and Wozza has recently joined the team.

Jared: Yes for a very long time and we work together daily for the last 2-3 years.

Taylor Creator: Wayyyyyy back. Wozza has been around before we fair launched but the “team” is all community members that contribute. Wozza has just been the glue for the community, he brings everyone together.

Polygon_Daily AdminAlright, so Taylor, what have you done in the past 25 years besides being friends with Jared over here? 😀

Taylor Creator: Tooooo many things… Police, firefighting, search and rescue in Alaska, training my own security unit for Asia royalty, working finance and now this!!!

Polygon_Daily AdminSo I figure there were only the three of you who started the PolyPug, and now there are how many people working on the project?

Taylor Creator: Technically I started the project and we all just came together…

Polygon_Daily AdminOk so are there any other members in the project right now? Or it’s exclusive for the three of you?

Taylor Creator: Really the entire community is the team and project.. this was fair launch and started by me but so many community members joined together with special skills.

Q3: Let’s dive into your tokens $PolyPug. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of its use cases?

Jared: We have a max supply of 1 trillion tokens with 20% of supply locked up for marketing and liquidity on a major exchange like Coinbase or Binance. The other 80% has been released in a fair launch with no pre-mined tokens. The use case is currently a community token that we will integrate into games at a later date. Our NFTs will be part of the games we launch.

Taylor Creator: * to clarify the 20% exchange wallet is not marketing. It is solely for exchange listings and liquidity. If we do not get listed on a major exchange in 1 year we will burn that 20%.

Polygon_Daily Admingreat, and I’m counting on this enthusiastic team to make that happen.

Taylor Creator: We are ready when they are ready..  but the PolyPug house will forever be Quickswap.

*the dog house haha

Jared: We truly love polygon and the community here.

Taylor Creator: 🎵 PolyPug lives on Polygon 🎵

Q4: Does $PolyPug get audited? And where can we buy it?

Jared: PolyPug has a third-party audit and will continue to get audited. We are very transparent and honest with our community. You can buy PolyPug on Quickswap and XT.com

Polygon_Daily AdminAny details who those third parties might be? It’s ok if you guys want to keep it for a grand announcement though.

Taylor Creator: SV auditors.

Polygon_Daily AdminAlright great, thank you.

Q5: Let’s talk about marketing, I can see that PolyPug produced some sick rap videos on its website. What about the marketing plans in the future?

Taylor Creator: Thanks bro! We will keep on making sick videos and the best NFT’s of any crypto project! One of our main goals is to produce quality art. Our motto has been from the beginning “make it hard for them to ignore us”.

I personally take great pride in our NFT’s and videos.. for every 5 videos we have made I have trashed 2. For every few NFT we produce I trash a couple as well… I only want to put out the best for the pug family!

We want PolyPug to be the pinnacle of creativity!

Wait till you see the NFT we are dropping this week, dedicated to a super positive community member (Bobby).

Last week we dedicated one NFT to Wozza for his great contributions!

Polygon_Daily AdminAnything you guys want to add about the future marketing plans of PolyPug? Jared, Wozza?

Jared: Continue to grow the community and make connections and relationships! Nonstop growth!

Wozza.eth || CGO Polypug 🐶: Yeah. I am to be the best crypto GIF creator out there. I’m going to start moving on to short videos with sound.

Taylor Creator: Wozza is the best 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀

Wozza.eth || CGO Polypug 🐶: Check this bad boy

Polygon_Daily Admin
WOW, is this a community’s submission NFT?

Wozza.eth || CGO Polypug 🐶: One of two of this NFT given to me for my contribution to the community.

Taylor Creator: Well, I am producing them for the community. And we will airdrop them to community members weekly. Then we officially place some for sale on Opensea to fund further art development.

Polygon_Daily AdminAlright sick 🤩 Next part is going to be some questions from Twitter, are you ready?

Taylor Creator: Fire away!

Polygon_Daily AdminOk, from @aerocked at Twitter, he/she has two questions, the first one is.

Q6: There is an NFT competition weekly, how long will this go on for and what is the overall NFT strategy? Will there be early adopters’ editions or a minimum amount of token holding edition?

Taylor Creator: Drop 1 NFT every week for 1 year and then reassess!!! We will dedicate some specially to community members, but I am also working on a very very limited edition set of 1 of 1’s that I will list for sale from 25-100 ETH

We also have some ideas for NFT’s for holders but this is being formulated right now and we do not have the exact details to discuss.

Polygon_Daily AdminSecond question from @aerocked

Q7: We’ve noticed Barrett referring to Polypug as a Community token rather than the generic memecoin and dog coin label – which is great! With this in mind, what are the plans to make Polypug the biggest and best Polygon community token?

Taylor Creator: We plan on just keeping growing organically!!! Be positive and continue creating amazing art NFT’s and video content!!

We also believe in that “Field of dreams” motto, build it and they will come!

So that’s what we are doing. Building an amazing community, one positive person at a time. Spreading like wildfire.

Polygon_Daily AdminCool! Keep doing what you’re doing and hope for the best!

Taylor Creator: Thank you so much! You as well, you guys are killing it.

Q8: Are there any other plans for staking/rewards once the current Quickswap staking ends?

Taylor Creator: There might be, but this is not something we are ready to fully disclose 😉

Q9: Where can we find out more about PolyPug?

Jared: Check out our website, Twitter, and Telegram for constant updates and interaction with our amazing community!

Website – Polypug.com

Telegram – https://t.me/+BPl7nL8Wp58zMGIx

Twitter – @PolyPugOfficial

Polygon_Daily AdminAnd with this we are now at the end of our AMA session with PolyPug 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Wozza.eth || CGO Polypug 🐶: Thank you so much for hosting!! For those not invested yet – please do join our telegram and see what the community is about.

You won’t be disappointed!!

Polygon_Daily AdminAlright thank you PolyPug for being here with Polygon Daily, we wish you the best! Happy New Year.

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