Revault Network – A New Revolution In DeFi Space

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Revault finds and deposits funds in the best-performing vaults in the market at any given time.

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Revault was founded to address two critical issues in Defi: identifying the optimal location to invest your money (including risk) and preserving that position to be optimum at all times.

Revault aims to become the Google of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Users are able to quickly find the best performing vaults for their assets and enjoy an automatic rebalancing feature that changes their position when a new better vault takes the lead.

Find the best place to use your assets and keep them there. That’s why the project was incubated by and its three founding partners, Binance, Moonstake, and Orbs. To show real-time vault APY, Revault uses its proprietary vault indexer. This way, you don’t have to trust inaccurate data shown to you on the native vaults platforms.

Revault’s new product release

Revault team stated before it took a strategy, to concentrate all of its efforts during the initial 2 months period only on perseverance, critical bug fixes, and building an all-star team. Now with its last pre-sale allocation being distributed, it is time to introduce Revault’s new product update. The new release will include

  • Full integration with Acryptos
  • BTCB & ETH new vaults addition
  • Trustwallet & WalletConnect
  • Valid Network security score widget integration

On the marketing side, Revault’s business development team worked tirelessly on opening new communities and marketing channels in South Asia and UAE, but mostly in South Korea, where it is going to get listed in the 2 biggest CEXs in the country.

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Defi’s 4 Layers

Revault is the world’s first and only layer 4 DeFi project. It classifies DeFi into three distinct layers: lending and borrowing, farming, and vaults. Revault is the only fourth layer; it is an automated vault relayer that is designed to provide you with the best performing vaults for your assets at any given time, followed by 24/7 monitoring of that position.

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Revault’s APY Food Chain


Active Vaults Aggregator 

Aggregator of layer 3 strategies. This layer does not generate its trading strategies; rather, it acts as a conduit for funds to be routed to layer 3 services.



Manage assets through DeFi strategies: vaults that provide yield farming ways to maximize the use of DeFi’s services and farming rewards.



Manages liquidity incentivization through yield farming over base assets to earn additional rewards.


Lending & DEX 

Lending and swap protocols are at the heart of the DeFi ecosystem. They earn money by allocating swap/borrowing fees across liquidity providers.

How it works

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The distinction between Revault is that it solves the most fundamental dilemma that any DeFi and blockchain player faces: “Where should I invest my money?” 

Discover the best vaults

Revault indexes every vault in the market and brings you the top results for any asset at any given time

Select the top one

For each search, Revault returns the top 5 results

Deposit your funds

Deposit your funds in the vault and maximize your APY

Let’s have a glance at how Revault works

Learn More 






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