Samsung Bets on Metaverse To Let Users Experience Products Virtually

  • Samsung has launched its virtual playground Space Tycoon on global metaverse platform Roblox today.
  • The service’s target audience is Gen Z customers.
  • Space Tycoon will enable users to design their own take on Samsung products such as Galaxy smartphones, TVs, and home appliances.

Samsung Electronics has launched its virtual playground Space Tycoon on global metaverse platform Roblox today.

In a press release shared earlier, Samsung announced that the playground built within the Roblox ecosystem will enable users to create and play games and use Samsung products in the metaverse. Furthermore, the tech firm revealed that their target audience for the service is Gen Z customers.

“We wanted to give our Gen Z customers a chance to experience Samsung products in a way they have never done before,” said Jinsoo Kim, executive VP at Corporate Design Center in Samsung Electronics. “We will continue to showcase content that can deliver more meaningful and entertaining digital experiences for both our current and future customers.”

Space Tycoon is set in the Samsung Space Station and research laboratory where alien characters research the tech company’s newest products. It comprises three play areas, namely the Mining Zone for resource procurement, Shop for in-game item purchases, and Lab for product manufacturing.

The virtual world will enable users to design their own take on Samsung products such as Galaxy smartphones, TVs, and home appliances. The platform will also test user creativity, allowing real-life products to undergo makeovers in Space Tycoon.

To serve as an example, the release reads:

The foldable smartphone Galaxy Z Flip can turn into a bag or a scooter, just as users will be more imaginative with the Jet Bot vacuum cleaner turning into a hoverboard or The Sero lifestyle TV into a one-person helicopter.

Space Tycoon will launch in 14 languages, including the most spoken languages in the world such as English, Chinese, and Spanish. New features, including social interaction between users, will be added in the future, according to the announcement.