Search Protocol: A gateway to Web 3.0


Let’s start with a joke.

What is the current buzzword in the venture world?

Crypto? Nope

NFT? Maybe not

Take a moment

The answer?

Web3…Web3 has taken the world by storm as it has supplanted the buzzwords of 2021. Bored Apes have become the new status symbol. VCs have raised multi-million dollar funds to build the next iteration of the internet. 

If there’s a knock on the creator economy, this is it: what is the easiest way to build Web3 applications without writing a line of code. Can we have a no-code Dapp builder like WIX? As decentralized applications take over much of our tasks in the Web3, wallets vaporize piece by piece, decentralized applications being built but slowly, yet cumbersome given a whole new way of programming involved in building and shipping applications. 

search protocol

As a decentralized online ecosystem built on the blockchain and free of any corporate control, transitioning into a new paradigm of the creator economy powered by WEb3 requires a technical understanding of the underlying protocols and infrastructure. With web3, the audience, supporters, and fans are not the outcome but part of the success equation. This translates to a 

create-to-earn business model where creators create their own community instead of spectators. Web2 creator toolings are often focused on finding and expanding their reach and diversification of the creators’ portfolio through no-code tools. We have seen Wix, Webflow, and now Burble. 

Many times, we have been told how Web3 will redefine data ownership, tighten user privacy, and enhance corporate transparency. Creators now understand how Web3 will change how we create and consume content, claim ownership, and get paid for their work. But did we, for once, ask ourselves how to onboard as many creators, artists, and individuals into the next iteration of the internet?

The secret to widespread adoption of some Web2 platforms is no-code. Their business model is premised on providing an all-in-one platform development solution without writing a line of code. Consequently, anyone without coding or technical knowledge can easily set up their online store. Since web3 is built on blockchains – an ecosystem that requires broad understanding and technical expertise to work effectively- it becomes necessary to master blockchain technology for an effective web3 economy. Without widespread adoption among creators and passionate enthusiasts, the scalability and effectiveness of Web3 will be limited. Search Protocol believes everyone deserves to own an all-new internet that is user-centric, private, open, and autonomous without having a background in engineering or software development.

Search Protocol seeks to support the creation of the future of the internet through its no-code platform for Web3 apps. Whether it’s the Web3 website, DAOs, or NFT marketplace, the platform provides infrastructure that seamlessly enables creators to build web3 apps without coding or technical knowledge. They believe in accelerating the adoption of Web3 by removing the complexities related to Web3 product development.

Web3 and No-Code

While powerful technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence underpin the Web3 movement, a traditional culture also accompanies it. As demonstrated, this culture is similar to the one that typified the early internet days, where everyone experimented and cheered the movement. This is the meeting point of the two movements.

No-code and Web3 movements have a shared vision of broadening access and expanding the ability of the world to execute complex tasks with a click seamlessly. They both envision a world that empowers people and transforms them from consumers to creators. People who share similar goals are the frontiers of these movements. Despite these overlapping interests, however, Web3 is not no-code friendly. This means even a professional programmer with more than 18 years of coding experience can still feel like a novice with Web3 applications. Luckily, that is where platforms like Search Protocol can help bridge the gap. 

No-code production of websites

Search Protocol enables creators to quickly create unique Web 3.0 applications without possessing intricate technical knowledge about coding. Whether you are entirely new to programming or a proficient programmer, you can develop your Web3 applications using a graphical user interface. No need to write code. The no-code offering is to smoothen product development and eliminate all barriers to successful launching.

Develop Customized NFT Marketplace

Search Protocol offers creators many use cases. The ability to develop a personalized NFT marketplace is one of them. With Search Protocol, users can customize their NFT marketplace, provide NFT functionalities, and benefit from the financial flexibility offered by Web3. Their ecosystem provides editable templates that suit the needs of different creators.

Implemented in distributed storage

A distributed storage system is an infrastructure that can split data across multiple physical servers and often across more than one data center. It typically takes the form of a cluster of storage units, with a mechanism for data synchronization and coordination between cluster nodes. The Search Protocol’s storage system is designed to provide decentralized storage for user and state data, dApp code, and blockchain, including the underlying infrastructure for communication.

KYC authentication

The concept of the Blockchain-based KYC platform is already being implemented by IT giants like IBM. The Shared Protocol’s Know Your Customer (KYC) project assures an efficient, secure, and decentralized mechanism to validate, collect, store, refresh and share KYC information for customers.

Final word

Search Protocol provides a groundbreaking platform for building web3 applications. With Search Protocol, launching a Web3 project is as simple as creating a landing page on WIX. They make it easy to build Web3 apps, including NFT marketplaces, creator projects, and DAOs. This new technology equips developers, creators, game studios, and artists with an all-in-one suite of tools to seamlessly create Web3 projects in a matter of clicks. Users can enjoy these services by simply connecting their wallets and creating a website with a wallet image like WIX.

For anyone who thinks Web3 is beyond their reach because of the blockchain complexity, Search Protocol makes it easy for the next generation of creators so that they can build their favorite Web3 projects.

For more information on Search Protocol, please check out their official website here

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.